Plastic Fantastic

Chemical Engineering

Plastic Fantastic explores chemical engineering in activities designed to develop understanding of materials and product design. Pupils will gain a nuanced understanding of plastic as a material through identifying environmental concerns whilst appreciating its properties. They will develop practical skills of measuring and following instructions during the skill builder. During tinker time, pupils will have the opportunity to use the plastic they made; either expressing themselves through a craft activity or 'thinking like an engineer' through a real life design challenge.


Pupils explore plastic as a material by thinking about its uses. Pupils will create a 'my button adventures' story to introduce them to buttons in preparation for the skill builder.


Pupils will make their own bioplastic using a step by step guide. The type of plastic they are going to make is called casein. It was used in the early 1900s mainly for making buttons.


There is a choice of activities for this Tinker Time. Pupils can get creative and express themselves with their casein and craft supplies or 'think like an engineer' to solve a real life design challenge making a bespoke pencil grip.


Yahaya & Charles - Chemical Engineers

This project has been inspired by Yahaya & Charles, Chemical Engineers. To help children better understand what engineering is and what engineers do, it is important that they have the opportunity to meet some (even virtually!) Use this video to introduce real engineers to your class.

Plastic Fantastic Exploration

Activity 1: Exploring Plastic

I spy … Buttons!

Activity 2: Exploring Buttons

I spy ... Buttons!

(approx 30 mins)

There are 2 exploration activities for the Plastic Fantastic project.

The first introduces pupils to plastic as a material

The second gives children the opportunity to explore buttons in a very child-led way. It begins by asking pupils to explore buttons they can find at home. Pupils will continue in class by choosing a button from a selection in class. They will:

  • Choose the ones that interest them

  • Touch them

  • Describe them

  • Imagine where they came from and what they have seen

Resources from Maker{Kit)

  • Buttons (You could ask pupils to bring in some of the most interesting buttons they can find from home too)

Can we turn milk into plastic?

(approx. 1 hours)
  • Pupils will follow the instructions to make a milk-based bioplastic (Casein plastic) that was widely used in the early 1900s - particularly to make buttons.

  • Pupils will need to do the Tinker time activity immediately after this skill builder (before their plastic sets hard).

  • Therefore, pupils will need to know what they are going to make before they begin this task (see the Tinker time activity below).

  • You may wish to give pupils a choice about whether they do a craft or engineering based activity or you can decide.

Our recipe has been adapted from

Casein Bioplastic

Video instructions on how to make casein bioplastic.

Plastic Fantastic: skill builder

Skill builder: Casein plastic

Use these slides to support learning in the skill builder

Resources from Maker{Kit)

  • Glycerin

  • Vinegar

Resources from school

  • Sieve

  • Microwave

  • 200ml full fat milk per pupil (warmed for 1 minute in the microwave)

  • Mixing container or cups

  • Spoon for stirring

  • Flasks (if microwave isn't available)

  • Paper towels for cleaning up / absorbent surface for drying out models

  • Cookie cutters or playdoh cutters (optional)

  • Food colouring/powder paint (optional)

What will you use your Casein plastic for?

(approx. 2 hours)

You have a choice of activity here. You may wish all pupils to do the same activity or perhaps match the activities to the interests and skill level of your pupils.

Tinker Time: Plastic Fantastic CRAFT

Tinker time: Craft projects

Use these slides to give your pupils a craft activity to tinker with!

Tinker Time: Plastic Fantastic Engineering

Tinker time: Think like an Engineer

Use these slides to give your pupils a design problem to solve with their casein plastic!

For this Tinker Time, pupils will need to have made their prototypes before they make their Casein plastic

Explain to pupils that rapid prototyping with mouldable materials is a technique used by engineers. It helps them to be able to use the maker{cycle} (look, think, make and test) without having to make lots of Casein Plastic which might be time-consuming and expensive

Resources from school

  • (Use the casein plastic you made in the skill builder)

  • Pencils

  • Elastic bands

  • Craft materials

  • Plasticine

Take it further?

What useful thing can you make out of polymorph plastic?

Polymorph is a relatively inexpensive mouldable biodegradable plastic with a low melting point making it easy for children to use.

It would be great to set as an extension activity, a maker club activity or home project

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed or just have a question?

We understand that there are elements of these projects that may be new to you or that you feel unsure about having a go at. If there are things you are unsure about or want to ask questions, please email Alison Buxton so we can support you.

Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos for your show reel to show at our celebration event.

When you have completed your projects - please submit your teacher and pupil feedback forms.

Have fun!

Risk Assessment

RA Plastic Fantastic.pdf

Use this risk assessment to support your planning and delivery of the Plastic Fantastic project