Senior High School Voucher Program

This refers to a subsidy given by the State to qualified Grade 10 completers to enable them to enroll at a VP-participating SHS of their choice. The assistance helps to defray the cost of tuition and other published fees charged by a VP-participating SHS. The subsidy is not given to the learner as cash; DepEd instead pays directly to the VP-participating SHS where the learners enrolls.

Voucher Application Procedures

Application will be done online ONLY; free of charge. No manual applications will be accepted. VAs are highly discouraged from submitting multiple applications.

All applications shall be coursed through PEAC NS via the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at https://ovap.peac.org.ph


1. Access OVAP at https://ovap.peac.org.ph. Follow the instructions to create an OVAP account. VAs must use a working email address they have access to.

NOTE: An account is not year an application.

2. Wait for a confirmation email that shall be sent to the VA's email address. Upon receipt of the confirmation email, click on the link provided to access the OVAP as a registered user.

3. Complete the electronic Voucher Application Form (VAF-1). VAs may do this in parts but must ensure changes are saved by section.

4. Scan or take a picture and upload the following required documents in the OVAP:

5. Click the attestation button and submit the application. An application is not considered complete until it is attested.

6. Check the result of application thru OVAP. VAs with successful applications become eligible for the voucher and shall be called Qualified Voucher Applicants (QVAs).

7. Download the QVA Certificate from OVAP. The QVA Certificate is required for voucher redemption. QVAs shall submit their QVA Certificate to the SHS they decide to enroll at as proff that they are entitled to the Voucher.

Automatic Qualified Learners

Only Grade 10 completers who fall under the categories below automatically qualify for vouchers and are considered qualified voucher recipients (QVRs). They do not need to apply for vouchers. 

Category A

All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Public Schools

Category B

All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Private Schools who are ESC grantees

Who are eligible to apply?

Only learners ¡n the categories below need to apply for vouchers and shall be referred to as voucher applicants (VAs). Acceptance of VAs shall be determined using set parameters subject to the availability of funds.

Category C

All SY 2021-2022 Grade 10 completers in Private Schools who are not ESC grantees

Category D

All Grade 10 completers who completed Grade 10 prior to SY 2021-2022 but not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11

Category E

Learner who had passed the ALS A&E test for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or ALS learners who passed or will take the Portfolio Assessment in SY 2022-2023

Category F

Learners who passed the PEPT for Grade 10 not earlier than 2016 and had not previously enrolled for Grade 11, or learners who will take the PEPT for Grade 10 in SY 2022-2023

Note: The following learners is not eligible for SHS VP: 


Deadline for creation of accounts on OVAP: 

July 22, 2022

Deadline for application:

July 29, 2022

For more details, please refer to the link below for the Guidelines on Eligibility and Application for the Senior High School Voucher Program


Office of the Registrar and Scholarship

1 Merchan Street, Lucena City, Quezon Provice

Office hours: 

Monday - Friday 8:00am -5:00pm

Saturday 8:00am - 12:00nn

TEL   (042) 710-3888 CP No.: 09310071857

EMAIL   shcscholarship@shc.edu.ph

Charlotte L. Rodriguez

Office Staff

Rey C. Rodil, MAEd

Registrar and Scholarship In-Charge