Henna Fest & Cultural Day at Sewanhaka

By: Eeman Babar 

Sewanhaka’s cultural diversity is one of its most defining features. Teachers and students at Sewanhaka come from all walks of life. Everyone comes from different cultures and shares their traditions and customs with each other, which allows for a very enriching experience for everyone involved. Sewanhaka is known for embracing their cultural diversity by having events to properly celebrate and honor different cultures as well as educate students about other cultures. This display of diversity is very beneficial to students and builds our unique identity.

Events like International Night and Cultural Day help to make students feel represented and give them an opportunity to share their culture with others. International Night is a renowned event here at Sewanhaka that always promises a great turnout, it’s always a memorable night. Cultural Day is another annual event that is highly anticipated by the student body. It gives students a day to dress up in clothes individual to their cultures. It is an important day that properly represents Sewanhaka as it gives every student a chance to express themselves, and often many students participate. Maha Farooq, a junior at Sewanhaka expressed her love for Cultural Day saying “I loved seeing everyone dress up for culture day and I always look forward to it every year, it truly showcases Sewanhaka’s diversity.” 

Another important part of cultural diversity at Sewanhaka is World Language Week. During this week, classes in the World Language department learn about culture in other countries. In addition, other events such as Cultural Day take place during this week. This year the National World Language Honor Society hosted a Henna Fest. The Henna Fest allowed students to get their henna done during lunch periods from other students who were skilled in the art. Henna originated from the Middle East and is an important part of Middle Eastern and South Asian culture today. This Henna Fest helped certain students share their culture and gave everyone an opportunity to learn about another culture. The organizer of this event, Raidah Hossain explained how successful it was, saying that, “It was truly a week to remember where we played cultural music and the artists did many different Henna designs. I got positive feedback from mostly everyone who participated and I hope to bring it back to Sewanhaka next year!” Generally, it was a great and enriching experience for everyone involved and expresses the diversity of Sewanhaka.