Body Parts Scattered Across Long Island

By: Rameesha Ahmad

Throughout history, several gruesome acts of murder have been committed, such as: the Ted Bundy murders, the Severed Feet Mystery and the Jeannette DePalma Case. No one living in the unsuspecting part of New York called Long Island would’ve thought that a gruesome murder that could rival ones they’d heard of on TV would occur in the place they called home. On February 29, a girl was walking to school, and found an object lying on the ground. This object turned out to be a human arm. Following this, a police search found several other body larrd in the area, with another group of school students finding even more dismembered body parts, and 2 heads that were cut off from their bodies were found as well. After all these parts were found and tests were run, the terrifying truth came out: 2 people had been murdered and cut up, with the body parts then being scattered throughout Suffolk County. Police investigations led to these victims being identified on March 10th  as 59 year old Donna Coneely and 53 year old Malcom Craig Brown. 4 people were arrested for this crime, however because of the Bail reform law passed in 2020, they were released. 

The release of the people that were accused for this crime has caused anger among the families of the deceased, with the sister of one of the deceased saying “It’s absurd that four people could murder two people and just get to walk out like that”. Sewanhaka Freshman Alexante Bryan  agrees with this statement, saying “The recent body parts found in Long Island were scary. But what is even more scary is the fact that the people who did it were released”. The Bail Reform Law was a law that was put in place to decrease discrimination and increase equality. This reform made it so that people could be released instead of detained before trial. However, the recent events that transpired led to this law being questioned, as it is the reason 4 potential murdered are walking around without any repercussions before their trial. Another Sewanhaka freshman, Sarina Jubaer, says “I hadn’t heard of the Bail Reform Law until this case, and honestly I think that equality it aims for is good, however the law clearly isnt reaching its goal and instead is having negative effects. I really hope this gets reformed”.