Federal Judge Decides to Remove Trump From 2024 Ballot

By: Rameesha Ahmad

We’ve all been hearing the news about potential presidential candidates for both the Democratic and Republicans parties. With Ron DeSantis suspending his campaign for president, and even going as far as to openly support Donald Trump, it has become clear that Donald Trump is rising to be the Republican Party's Nominee for Presidency in 2024. Ron DeSantis was Trump's biggest competition, and with him out of the picture it’s becoming more and more likely that Trump will run for presidency for the Republican Party once again. 

 However, recently a federal judge claimed that under the 14 Amendment, Trump should be disqualified from being a candidate for president. The 14th Amendment Section 3 talks about reasons for disqualification from office, specifically insurrection while in office being  grounds for disqualification from future elections. The Judge that wants to disqualify Trump talked about the Jan. 6 incident, and how Trump should be held accountable for this insurrection. Formal complaints against Trump running for president, or even being a candidate have been filed in 35 states, however, currently he’s only been disqualified in Colorado and Maine. On Feb. 8 2024, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Trump’s  eligibility for candidacy and determine whether or not he will be allowed to run for president. 

A Sewanhaka High School 9th grader, Alexante Bryan, says “Imagine being a presidential candidate, putting hard work and effort into the campaign just to be taken off the ballot. Although Trump has had his issues in the past, I do not believe he should be disqualified from the election as of right now.” Another Sewanhaka Student, freshman Neha Johny has a different viewpoint on the matter. She says “In all honesty, if Trump gets removed from the ballot then in my opinion, I believe it would do all of us a favor.” The divide between the opinions of these Sewanhaka students show the divide that much of the nation is facing on this issue. Only after the Feb. 8 Supreme Court hearing will we get a definite answer on whether or not Trump will be running for office.