The Resurgence of Leopard Print Fashion 

By: Meghana Nair

  The resurgence of leopard print is here. Fashion is an unconscious visual language that conveys personality, how we see ourselves, and how we want to be perceived by the outside world. Women began wearing leopard print clothing in the 1930s. Women wearing the leopard print are strong and attention-grabbing. In this manner, they request a certain identity to legitimize their elegance. These striking and dynamic prints require confidence that isn't standard. On the off chance that you get energized around leopard prints, it might demonstrate a significant sense of self-confidence and a craving to be seen and listened to. Animals like leopards, are both gorgeous and dangerous animals. Because leopard print was so expensive, it was once considered a symbol of power and luxury, worn by kings and queens who felt it would protect them. Leopards are frequently associated with tenacity, ferocity, and a mysterious femininity.

With a lengthy history, leopard print has had many highs and lows in fashion throughout the years, but it has always returned in style. 9th grader, Avneet Kaur says “It’s amazing to see how old trends turn into the newest trends. The leopard print is beautiful and shows that many people wear it stylishly.” The fact that leopard print is universally wearable — from rock stars to royalty — makes it a distinctive and elegant pattern. The print used to stand out, but in the 21st century, because of its enormous and ongoing popularity, it virtually disappeared into regular clothing. 10th grader, Joelyne Smith said “Strong women wear leopard print clothing. They signify power, independence, and confidence.” Powerful women with influence like Beyoncé have been observed wearing leopard print in recent years. This gave rise once more to the idea that, in the same manner that leopards are regarded, leopard print represents a powerful, independent woman. 

 Glamour, wealth, and power are the ultimate symbols of leopard print fashion. We predict that since leopard print clothing has its revival to 2024, this year will be a big year for leopard print.