
Library Services

8950 Cal Center Drive, Bldg 1, Suite 110 

Sacramento, CA 95826

(our office is open for returns only)

We are open from: 9am - 3pm, Monday - Friday

Call us at: (916)957-1709 

Email us at:

Get an Exclusive Look At Your Online Lending Library!

Novels, Picture Books and So Much More!

Our lending library has 30,000+ items available to borrow! From popular series like 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' and 'Harry Potter' to popular textbooks such as 'The Story of the World' and 'Oak Meadow,' your lending library has what you need to succeed this school year! 

Ready to start checking out library materials? Log onto your Destiny Discover account today!

Games, Games, Games!

From Lego to Lakeshore, your lending library has it all! Our games catalogue runs from classic games (such as operation, settlers of Catan, and clue) to educational materials (musical instruments, math manipulative games, and much much more!). 

Want to borrow from our games selection? Be sure to search 'Game' in your destiny discover search engine today or check out our 'Popular Games' collection in our collections tab!

Navigate Our Site With Ease With Our Collections!

Don't know where to start? Unsure on what to search? No problem! Our lending library team has made helpful collections of some of our most popular titles for you to use! 

Simply click on the collection you would like to look through, click on an item that you would like to borrow from the collection and put that item on hold. 

Not finding the item you want? Be sure to search for the item's keyword in the search bar. If you have any issues or problems checking out materials from our collections list, please let us know at and we will be happy to help you.