
A Thankful Break

When I first learned of “self-care”, I thought the methods were universal. Wouldn’t all people consider it “self-care” relaxing with a good book and a face mask? I learned with time that the answer is no. With time, I also learned that although a good book is almost always soothing to my own soul, it’s not the only method for self-care. Real self-care is more unique. If I find myself stressed in the mornings waking up to a sink of dishes, I might lovingly clean my kitchen in the evening for myself before bed. Yet another night I might be so tired that it’s most caring to go straight to bed. Both are self-care because I’m recognizing my needs and caring for them.

The same may be said for Thanksgiving break. Each family is unique, and Thanksgiving break should be, too. If I told you that you had one week without commitments, what would you do? As I pondered what my week might look like, I decided it was time to take inventory. What are the needs of my family presently? Do we need rest or more activities? Do we need to catch up on chores or schoolwork? Do we need more family time to connect? Perhaps the answer is “yes” to all the above. To which I asked: what would take priority?

For our family the last few months have felt like a never-ending catch-up. During break I intend to connect with my family each day by taking them outdoors, baking together, and continuing to do read-aloud in the afternoons. During the second half of break, when our bellies are nice and full, we will catch up on house chores together. By the time Monday comes again I sense that we will have renewed spirits and be eager to jump back into our schoolwork

Schoolwork isn’t mandatory during break, but our family has enjoyed schooling right through it in years past. Often we read applicable storybooks, enjoy science and math through baking, finally get around to our subscription boxes, and just enjoy some carefree learning. At other times, we felt behind in a particular subject and decided to focus on that for an extra week.

This is a time to focus on gratitude. I couldn’t be more thankful to be afforded this opportunity to homeschool alongside a wonderful community. However you spend your Thanksgiving break, I hope you enjoy gathering with those dear to you. I hope you and your loved ones are filled in your hearts and bellies and come back refreshed, ready for the next learning adventure.

What will your break look like?

-Morgan Stout