Employability Skills

Employers look at various skills when deciding who to hire. They look at hard skills, soft skills, and transferable skills. Therefore it is important to highlight the skills that you posses that relate to the job/career you are seeking. These can be highlighted in an application, resume, cover letter, interview, and/or follow up interviews.

Hard Skills

Hard skills are skills learned through education or on the job training and are easily measured. Examples of hard skills are typing speed, ability to operate heavy machinery, inventory, coding, budgeting, sales, carpentry, etc. You want to make sure you advertise hard skills you have relevant for the job!

Soft Skills

Soft skills are also known as interpersonal skills and more difficult to measure. Examples of soft skills are creativity, loyalty, punctuality, communication, attention to detail, cultural awareness, problem solving, etc. Do not discount the importance of soft skills! These are important and are often times much harder to teach than hard skills. For example, as a sales person it is important to have skills such as being persuasive, attentive, confident, and be able to communicate well.

Here are some sought after soft skills that can help your career.

Here are tips on how to identify and develop your soft skills.

Transferable Skills

Transferable skills can be hard or soft skills and are skills that you can use in a variety of jobs across fields and industries. An example of a transferable skill is communication. You can utilize this skill across jobs from a customer service representative to a realtor to a projects manager. It is important to realize that simply because you have not worked in that position or in that field, it does not mean you do not posses the skills needed to be successful in that job.

Examples in a Job Listing

Here is an example of a job description highlighting the soft and hard skills needed to do the job. While it is important to have the hard skills needed for the job, depending on the position it may be easier for an employer to train you in the hard skills if you have the soft skills necessary to be successful.