Career Clusters Introduction

This information comes from the national “States’ Career Clusters Initiative”. For more information about the 16 nationally recognized Career Clusters, or to find detailed plans of study for the cluster that interests you, check out:

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Description: The production, processing, marketing, distribution, financing, and development of agricultural commodities and resources, including food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, horticulture, and other plant and animal products and resources.

Focus Areas:

  • Food Products and Processing Systems

  • Plan Systems

  • Animal Systems

  • Power, Structural & Technical Systems

  • Natural Resource Systems

  • Environmental Science Systems

  • Agribusiness Systems

Sample Jobs:

  • Aquaculturalist

  • Botanist

  • Ecologist

  • Environmentalist Compliance-Assurance Manager

  • Farmer/Rancher

  • Fish & Game Officer

  • Recycling Technician

  • Veterinarian

  • Wildlife Manager

Architecture and Construction

Description: Careers in designing, planning, managing, building, and maintaining the built environment.

Focus Areas:

  • Design/Pre-Construction

  • Construction

  • Maintenance/Operations

Sample Jobs:

  • Architect

  • Carpenter

  • Civil Engineer

  • Demolition Engineer

  • Drywall Installer

  • Electrician

  • Interior Designer

  • Painter

  • Plumber

  • Roofer

  • Sheet and Metal Worker

Arts, A/V Technology, and Communications

Description: Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.

Focus Areas:

  • Audio and Video Technology and Film

  • Journalism and Broadcasting

  • Performing Arts

  • Printing Technology

  • Telecommunications

  • Visual Arts

Sample Jobs:

  • Actor

  • Broadcast Technician

  • Computer Animator

  • Curator

  • Director

  • Fashion Designer

  • Journalist

  • Musician

  • Telecommunication Tech

  • Web Page Designer

Business, Management and Administration

Description: Planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations

Focus Areas:

  • General Management

  • Business Information Management

  • Human Resource Management

  • Operations Management

  • Administrative Support

Sample Jobs:

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Auditor

  • Entrepreneur

  • Finance Director

  • Marketing Analyst

  • Office Manager

  • Public Relations Manager

  • Wholesale & Retail Buyer

Education and Training

Description: Planning, managing, and providing education and training services and related learning support services.

Focus Areas:

  • Teaching and Training

  • Professional Support Services

  • Administration and Administrative Support

Sample Jobs:

  • Administrator

  • Career Tech Administrator

  • Child Care Worker

  • Clinical Psychologist

  • Coach

  • Counselor

  • Principal

  • Teacher


Description: Services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management

Focus Areas:

  • Securities and Investments

  • Business and Finance

  • Banking Services

  • Insurance

  • Accounting

Sample Jobs:

  • Accountant

  • Bill and Account Collector

  • Controller

  • Debt Counselor

  • Economist

  • Financial Planner

  • Loan Officer

  • Tax Examiner

  • Underwriter

Government and Public Administration

Description: Executing governmental functions, including governance, national security, foreign service, planning, revenue and taxation, regulation, and management and administration at the local, state, and federal levels.

Focus Areas:

  • Governance

  • National Security

  • Foreign Service

  • Planning

  • Revenue and Taxation

  • Regulation

  • Public Management and Administration

Sample Jobs:

  • Ambassador

  • Armed Services Member

  • City Manager

  • Cryptographer

  • Elected Official

  • Foreign Service Officer

  • Intelligence Analyst

  • Policy Advisor

Health Science

Description: Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development

Focus Areas:

  • Therapeutic Services

  • Diagnostic Services

  • Health Informatics

  • Support Services

  • Biotechnology Research and Development

Sample Jobs:

  • Athletic Trainer

  • Biochemist

  • Dental Hygienest

  • EMT/Paramedic

  • Home Health Aide

  • Lab Technician

  • Nutritionist

  • Physician

  • Registered Nurse

  • Veterinarian

Hospitality & Tourism

Description: Management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services.

Focus Areas:

  • Restaurant and Food/Beverage Services

  • Lodging

  • Travel and Tourism

  • Recreation, Amusements, and Attractions

Sample Jobs:

  • Baker

  • Bartender

  • Casino Manager

  • Caterer

  • Event Planner

  • Museum Director

  • Restaurant Owner

Human Services

Description: Helping families and individuals meet their basic human needs by assisting them with affordable housing, health care, education and training, and mental health services.

Focus Areas:

  • Early Childhood Development and Services

  • Counseling and Mental Health Services

  • Family and Community Services

  • Personal Care Services

  • Consumer Services

Sample Jobs:

  • Community Organizer

  • Community Service Director

  • Consumer Advocate

  • Counselor

  • Emergency Relief Worker

  • Social Worker

Information Technology

Description: Design, development, support, and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services.

Focus Areas:

  • Network Systems

  • Information Support & Services

  • Programming and Software Development

  • Web and Digital Communications

Sample Jobs:

  • Animator

  • Database Administrator

  • Data Systems Designer

  • Game Developer

  • Media Specialist

  • Network Administrator

  • Programmer

  • Security Specialist

  • Web Designer

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security

Description: Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services, and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

Focus Areas:

  • Corrections Services

  • Emergency and Fire Management Services

  • Security and Protective Services

  • Law Enforcement Services

  • Legal Services

Sample Jobs:

  • Attorney

  • Bomb Technician

  • Corrections Officer

  • Firefighter

  • Hazardous Material Responder

  • Police Officer

  • Security Director


Description: The processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities, such as production planning and control, maintenance and manufacturing/process engineering.

Focus Areas:

  • Production

  • Manufacturing Production Process Development

  • Maintenance, Installation and Repair

  • Quality Assurance

  • Logistics and Inventory Control

  • Health, Safety, and En

Sample Jobs:

  • Assembler

  • Boilermaker

  • Design Engineer

  • Environmental Engineer

  • Freight, Stock, and Material Mover

  • Industrial Machinery Mechanic

  • Manufactoring Technician

  • Pattern and Model Maker

  • Production Manager

  • Tool and Diemaker

  • Welder


Description: Scientific research and professional and technical services in the physical sciences, social sciences, and engineering, including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

Focus Areas:

  • Science and Mathematics

  • Engineering and Technology

Sample Jobs:

  • Aerospace Engineer

  • Biomedical Engineer

  • Chemist

  • Geologist

  • Mathematician

  • Metallurgist

  • Statisitician

  • Zoologist

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics


Planning, managing and providing scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services and research and development services.

Focus Areas: Mathematics, Science and Research Development, Social Science Research and Development, Engineering

Sample Jobs:

  • Actuary

  • Applied Mathematician

  • Mathematician

  • Statistician

  • Survey Researcher

  • Astronomer

  • Atmospheric and Space Scientist

  • Biological Scientist

  • Chemist

  • Geoscientist

  • Medical Scientist

  • Microbiologist

  • Museum Curator

  • Physicist

  • Research Technician

  • Survey Researcher

  • Zoologist and Wildlife Biologist

  • Anthropologist

  • Archaeologist

  • Economist

  • Geographer

  • Historian

  • Museum Curator

  • Political Scientist

  • Psychologist

  • Research Scientist/Assistant

  • Sociologist

  • Aerospace Engineer

  • Agricultural Engineer

  • Biomedical Engineer

  • CAD Designer

  • Chemical Engineer

  • Draftsman

  • Electrical Engineer

  • Engineering Technician

  • Industrial Engineer

  • Mechanical Engineer

  • Nuclear Engineer

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Description: Planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail, and water; and related professional and technical support services, such as, transportation infrastructure, planning and management, logistics services, mobile equipment, and facility maintenance.

Focus Areas:

  • Transportation Operations

  • Logistics Planning and Management Services

  • Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations

  • Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance

  • Transportation System/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Regulation

  • Health, Safety, and Environmental Management

  • Sales and Services

Sample Jobs:

  • Airplane Pilot

  • Air Traffic Controller

  • Cargo and Freight Agent

  • Customs Inspector

  • Facility Engineer

  • International Logistics Specialist

  • Locomotive Engineer

  • Port Manager

  • Safety Analyst

  • Urban and Regional Planner

  • Warehouse Manager