Having Problems with a Class?

Try these suggestions at the first sign of trouble with your classes, schoolwork, homework or tests. You are not the only student having trouble, and you are absolutely capable of succeeding!

  • Make an appointment to talk with your teacher. Calmly state your concerns about your work/grades, and that you want to improve. Ask for your teacher’s advice on what to do to improve your grades, and be willing to do what it takes.

  • Whenever you’re having trouble understanding the material, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification. Ask questions during class, or if you’re not comfortable with this, write down questions to ask your teacher outside of class time.

  • Be in class, on time, every day. Bring the materials you need, and pay attention. Take good notes and review them that evening to make sure you understand what you wrote down, while it’s still fresh in your head.

  • Cut back on work hours if you have an out-of-school job. School is your #1 job right now. Consider this an investment in a really good job when you graduate.

  • Get the name and number of someone in your class who’s a good student. If you’re absent, you can call them to find out what you missed and get any homework assignments.

  • Turn in every homework assignment! A 0 on even one assignment will mess with your average. If you’re turning in your homework and still not doing well on it, see your teacher to make sure you understand what you are doing wrong.

  • Ask your counselor for suggestions on study skills

  • Find out what resources are available at your school and in your community, such as tutoring, homework help, mentoring, and librarian assistance.

  • Teach your lesson to someone else. This will let you know if you really understand the material.

How to ask for help?