Word 2016 Videos


To begin working on this project you need to have access to the desktop version of Word 2016 or Office 365 and download the app to your computer. Some adult schools give you access to free office products as a student. Talk to your computer teacher or your counselor to find out if you have an account. You can download a free trial version at office.com. 

Let's begin by right-clicking on the picture and saving it to your computer. You can start with lesson 1 by clicking on the YouTube video. You can pause the video and then do what I did in the video. Resume the video and pay close attention to what I do.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

lesson 4

You're done

Your flyer should look like the one below:


Create a flyer that contains an image of something that you are selling, presenting, or from your culture the following:


Complete the Quiz and pass with at least 60%.

In these lessons I used the book Shelly Cashman Microsoft Office 2016: Introductory 1st Edition.