Our goal is to not only meet and exceed New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, but to cultivate a love of reading and writing and the ability to effectively communicate through speaking and listening. The learning standards define “what a student should know and be able to do” (NYSED). Bearing this in mind, Scarsdale aims to meet these goals as well as offer students opportunities of choice regarding topics and self expression, so they find enjoyment in applying literacy skills. Children, of all abilities are taught to express themselves through reading, writing, speaking, and listening with the use of digital tools as support.
To this end, the State standards are applied with due respect to child development including: early literacy exposure, developmentally appropriate practice, native language, and universal design. Students will employ their literacy skills to address: research, critical thinking and problem solving. The strong foundation of literacy students receive will enable them to leave school with a sound understanding of the world around them and the ability to participate in the global community.
Next Generation ELA Parent Brochure