Comprehensive Literacy Framework

“Literacy is a fundamental human right with the ability to transform the lives of children, families, and communities” 

-Dr. Mary Ehrenworth, 2016 

District Philosophy:

Our comprehensive literacy framework includes a combination of whole group, small group, and 1:1 instruction in reading, writing, speaking, and listening with the strongest research-based elements of each.  Our main goal is to guide our students toward proficient and lifelong reading and communication.   Scarsdale elementary literacy curriculum includes several key components of an exemplary literacy experience.

We value research-based practices that include:

We strongly believe that how students are taught is as important as what is taught.  In this literacy approach, teachers model strategies and provide daily opportunities for authentic learning.  The student's literacy experience is both teacher and student-driven. Teachers continually identify students’ skills and needs through assessment-driven instruction in order to foster continual growth.