World Languages


French I

Course #: FO132 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in English

French I is primarily intended for the college-bound student and is an introduction to the language and culture of France and the francophone countries of the world. Emphasis is on acquisition and application of basic concepts, vocabulary, verb forms, pronunciation, and independent learning skills that are requisite for success in the study of French. Students speak, read, write, and listen in French. Students become aware that different languages use different patterns to communicate. Learning strategies address the diverse learning needs of all learners; students as language and culture learners are assessed in a variety of ways and settings. Such assessment may include class participation, projects, journal writing in French, homework, tests, quizzes, oral presentations, cooperative learning activities, and independent learning activities.

Text and materials: Bien dit! Level 1

Expectations: Students must have a willingness to speak, read, write, and listen in French; mastery and application of basic concepts and skills; willingness to work cooperatively and collaboratively with others; respect for diverse points of view and cultural differences; development of basic communication skills and higher-order thinking skills; and effective study skills.

French I/II Accelerated

Course # FO141 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: Some experience in an introductory French class

This is an accelerated course for highly motivated students or those with previous experience in the French language who already understand the basics of verb conjugation and vocabulary acquisition. The course begins with the basics of the language, but moves at a faster pace so that students will complete the French I and French II curricula in just one year. Instruction is primarily in French, though difficult grammar concepts will be presented in English before being practiced in French. Students completing this course are eligible to take French III or, with instructor permission, French IV Conversation and Composition.

Text and materials: Bien Dit! Level II

French II

Course #: FO133 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in French I

French II provides an opportunity for students to use skills from their previous experience in French I and to continue to develop their proficiency in speaking, writing, reading, and listening in French. Emphasis is on the development of French language skills as students integrate and apply concepts and skills from French I. Students continue to acquire and apply new concepts and skills as they continue their study of the French language and culture and as they become more self-sufficient in the language.

Text and materials: Bien dit! Level 2

Expectations: The same as French I, with the addition of the willingness and effort to speak the French language and work toward using English less than the target language in the classroom.

French III

Course #: FO232 Grades: 10-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 75 or higher in French II

Emphasis is on more advanced grammar and on demonstrating an understanding of the nuances of the French language and culture. Students work toward speaking and writing effectively with more sophisticated sentence patterns, and with richer and more varied language. Students work with interdisciplinary content that provides opportunity for them to compare and contrast their own culture with the French culture. The critical skill areas of reading, speaking, writing, and listening continue to be emphasized with a focus on the student becoming an independent learner who can gather, analyze, and synthesize information in French. Students continue to be assessed as in French I and II with increasing emphasis on speaking entirely in French.

Text and materials: Bien dit! Level 3

Expectations: The same as French I and II , with the addition of the willingness and effort to speak the French language and work toward using English less than the target language in the classroom.

French IV Conversation and Composition

Course #: FO342 Grades: 11,12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in French III

French IV Conversation and Composition is an immersion course that provides students with the opportunity to improve their speaking and writing skills, with a particular emphasis on improving verbal fluency. Students review the most commonly used grammar and vocabulary and communicate entirely in French on a variety of topics ranging from current events to French literature and music. Instruction is in French only.

Text and materials: Bravo! Third Edition, Muyskens; French-English/English-French Dictionary

Expectations: Students will communicate entirely in French. Students will work toward an advanced level of fluency in speaking, reading, and writing.

AP French

Course #: FO451 Grades: 12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in French IV

This challenging course prepares students to take the AP French Language Exam. Classes focus on all the skill areas (speaking, reading, writing, listening), and the majority of the class is conducted in French. Students take notes and discuss readings in French.

Text and materials: Allons au-delà!, Pearson; French-English/English-French Dictionary

Expectations: Students can expect one hour of homework each night. Students will take the AP French Language Exam in May.


Latin I

Course #: FO131 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 80 in College Prep or Honors English

Latin I is a college preparatory course that introduces students to the structures of language common to Latin and English. Students will master Latin vocabulary, which enhances their English and frequently leads to substantially improved verbal SAT scores. As a college preparatory course, there is an emphasis on study skills. Students should expect to assimilate knowledge from both reading and lectures. Analysis of syntax will lead to improved problem-solving ability in the language. There are also mini units in both Roman culture and mythology.

Text and materials: Wheelock's Latin; Workbook for Wheelock's Latin; English Grammar for Students of Latin; index cards and colored pencils or highlighters

Expectations: Students should expect 20-30 minutes of homework per class. Regular attendance and preparation for class are expected.

Latin II

Course #: FO231 Grades: 10-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in Latin I

Latin II reinforces and continues to build upon the skills learned in Latin I. Students further their Latin vocabulary, which enhances their English and frequently leads to substantially improved verbal SAT scores. Students begin to translate complex sentences and translate and analyze passages from original sources. There is an increasing focus on Roman history, culture, and politics.

Text and materials: Wheelock's Latin; Workbook for Wheelock's Latin; Beyond Latin I; index cards and colored pencils or highlighters

Expectations: Students should expect 20-30 minutes of homework per class. Regular attendance and preparation for class are essential.

AP Latin Prose

Course#: FO353 Grades: 11-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 5

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in Latin II

This third-year Latin course is designed to give students the experience needed to be successful in the translation and interpretation of Latin, in preparation for the prose portion of the AP Latin Exam. The course’s goals are to develop students' abilities to translate passages from classical authors into English as literally as possible; to help them understand the context of the written passages (including the political, historical, literary, and cultural background of each author and text); and to help them understand the reasons behind the particular style of writing and the rhetorical devices employed. The course should also help students to be successful in analyzing Latin passages to understand how and why the author uses the language in a particular way and the effects he/she is hoping to produce. Students learn to analyze the text and draw their own logical conclusions. This course should give students tools to read Latin prose aloud and with accurate comprehension and appreciation.

Text and materials: De Bello Gallico, et al.

Prerequisites: Strong background in Latin II, with a recommended semester grade of 85. Strong writing skills in English composition.

AP Latin Poetry

Course #: FO351 Grades: 11, 12 Credits: .5/semester Length: 2 Years Expectation Level: 5

Prerequisite: 85 or higher in Latin II

AP Latin follows the College Board’s AP Latin curriculum, focusing on Latin poetry (Virgil’s Aeneid). There is a continued emphasis on analysis of grammar, and translation. Students translate complex sentences and translate and analyze passages from original sources. There is a heavy focus on Roman history, culture, politics, rhetoric, and motifs.

Text and Materials: The Aeneid of Virgil Text and Workbook; The Aeneid of Virgil, Mandelbaum translation; index cards and colored pencils or highlighters

Expectations: Students should expect 30-45 minutes of homework per class. Regular attendance and preparation for class are essential. Students should be prepared to take the AP Latin Exam during the fourth semester of the course.


Spanish I

Course #: FO134 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 75 or higher in English

Spanish I introduces the student to the basics of Spanish language and culture. Students learn basic vocabulary and phrases for communication, as well as the fundamental grammar skills needed for continued language acquisition. Reading and writing in the present tense is emphasized. Students are expected to memorize a wide variety of vocabulary words and phrases and to use this vocabulary on a continuing basis throughout the year. Instruction is in both English and Spanish with an increased emphasis on all Spanish instruction as the year progresses. An average of one-half hour of homework per night can be expected.

Text and materials: ¡Asi Se Dice! Level 1

Expectations: Students will be able to memorize vocabulary and phrases on a daily basis. Students will communicate in Spanish as much as possible in class. Demonstration of independent learning skills. Effective study skills, including memorizing vocabulary and phrases on a daily basis.

Spanish I/II Accelerated

Course #: FO140 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: Some experience in an introductory Spanish class

This is an accelerated course for highly motivated students, or those with previous experience in the Spanish language, who already understand the basics of verb conjugation and vocabulary acquisition. The course begins with the basics of the language, but moves at a faster pace so that students will complete the Spanish I and Spanish II curricula in just one year. Instruction is primarily in Spanish, though difficult grammar concepts will be presented in English before being practiced in Spanish. Students completing this course are eligible to take Spanish III or, with instructor permission, Spanish IV Conversation and Composition.

Text and Materials: ¡Asi Se Dice! Level II

Prerequisites: Strong background in English. Some introductory background in Spanish, including experience with basic Spanish vocabulary and some familiarity with present tense verb conjugation.

Spanish II

Course #: FO135 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 75 or higher in Spanish I

Spanish II builds on the skills established in Spanish I. Past, future, conditional, and subjunctive tenses are introduced in addition to new vocabulary. An increased emphasis on students reading, writing, and speaking in Spanish can be expected at this level. Instruction begins in English, but gradually changes to primarily Spanish by the end of the year. Mastery of Spanish I vocabulary and grammar is assumed.

Text and materials: ¡Asi Se Dice! Level 2

Expectations: Mastery of Spanish I grammar and vocabulary. High level of student effort to use the target language in class. Demonstration of independent learning skills. Effective study skills.

Spanish III

Course #: FO233 Grades: 10-12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: 75 or higher in Spanish II

Spanish III provides students the opportunity to become more knowledgeable about Spanish-speaking countries by studying a variety of topics relating to social studies, literature, art, and culture. The critical skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing continue to be emphasized. Students must have a desire to become proficient in the critical skill areas as they continue their study of Spanish. Students will continue to build their vocabulary and advanced grammar skills. Students work towards using more Spanish and less English. By the end of the year, students should be able to express their own ideas and opinions in Spanish, both orally and in written form.

Text and materials: ¡Así se dice! Level 3, short stories, poems, magazine articles, and newspapers

Expectations: Desire to communicate in Spanish. A positive attitude toward learning and demonstrating independent learning skills.

Spanish IV Conversation and Composition

Course #: FO340 Grades: 11,12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: 85 or higher in Spanish IV

Spanish IV is an intensive class designed to offer students the opportunity to increase their proficiency in the Spanish language. The focus is on oral communication skills (speaking and listening), though grammar and vocabulary development will continue to be addressed. The course is organized around themes of common conversational topics, with background history or cultural information added where it aids student comprehension or enhances their communication abilities. It is expected that students enrolled in the course truly want to improve their Spanish, and students are graded on that basis. This class is taught completely in Spanish.

Text and materials: ¡Así se dice! Level 4, Nivel; Puentes, Intermediate Spanish; short stories, poems, magazine articles, and newspapers

Expectations: Desire to communicate entirely in Spanish. A positive attitude toward learning and demonstrating independent learning skills.

AP Spanish

Course #: FO452 Grade: 12 Credits: .5/semester Length: Year Expectation Level: 5

Prerequisite: 80 or higher in Spanish

AP Spanish is a challenging course that prepares students to take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Classes focus on all the skill areas (speaking, reading, writing, listening), and the majority of the class is conducted in Spanish. Students will take notes and discuss readings in Spanish.

Text and materials: ¡Avance!

Expectations: Students will take the AP Spanish Language Exam in May.