AP4ALL courses are online and offered free of charge to any student residing in a Maine school administrative unit. Students who enroll in an AP4ALL course should be prepared academically and should be ready for the rigors of online learning.

Some things students should consider before enrolling:

1. Students will be expected to express themselves and fully engage with their classmates and instructor(s).

2. Students are expected to be self-motivated, work independently, complete assignments and meet deadlines, and manage their time well.

3. Students will be expected to ask for help from classmates and/or their instructor(s) when they have academic questions or concerns related to the online environment.

4. Students are expected to commit 8 to 10 hours per week for their Advanced Placement coursework and assignments.

5. Students are expected to have access to a computer and a reliable internet connection. Students should also be comfortable using online technologies to read, write, watch, and listen as they learn.

6. Students without access to a computer or a reliable internet connection at home need to be provided with these tools at the sponsoring high school.