Career and Technical Education

Career and technical education (CTE) opportunities are available for Scarborough High School students through the facilities at both the Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) and Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS). When comparable programs exist at both schools, Scarborough students are required to attend WRVC. Under this program, students may receive intensive training in one of a number of specialized trades or occupations. Graduation requirements are the same for this program as for all other SHS programs.

Students enrolled in a CTE program at either WRVC or PATHS will continue to take core academic courses at Scarborough High School. In general, students will spend half of the school day in their CTE program and half of the day at Scarborough High School. Completion of any CTE courses should result in the student being capable of entering the workforce and continuing their education in these fields. The Town of Scarborough pays the tuition costs for CTE for students. Students attending CTE programs are required to ride on Scarborough buses to and from their CTE campus. All CTE programs are generally taught over a two-year sequence, and thus aimed at accepting students for their junior and senior years; sophomores who are interested may be considered for these programs provided they are in good academic standing. Additionally, under certain circumstances, seniors may be admitted to particular programs. Students interested in a CTE program should see their school counselor for more information.