General Information

2019-2020 Program of Studies – Posted March 8, 2019

This Program of Studies is aligned with current Scarborough Public Schools School Board policies. If any policies are updated by the School Board, this Program of Studies will be adjusted to align with those updates.

If adjustments are made, it will be noted and the date will be given here.

Course Registration Procedure

1. Current teachers will make recommendations to students/parents via classroom discussion, parent/teacher conferences, and other forms of communication prior to school counselors facilitating course request workshops.

2. School counselors will work with students in classrooms to get their course requests completed in PowerSchool.

3. Upon completion of course requests, rosters will be generated by PowerSchool for current teachers to review and flag requests for students of concern.

4. School counselors will review flagged/edited list from teachers and meet accordingly with students/parents individually regarding flags/concerns.

5. Students/parents wishing to override a course flag/course recommendation will be required to complete and sign a “Course Override Form” to be kept on file in the Student Services Office.

6. Student schedules will be finalized and distributed to students prior to the end of the current school year.

Course Expectation Level Criteria

Each class is assigned a numerical expectation level, defined below.

Expectation Level 5 (Advanced Placement/College Credit Program) - Advanced Placement (AP) courses engage students in an intense and rigorous academic level of study. Students enrolling in AP courses are expected to take the AP Exam to demonstrate their mastery of the program material. Enrollment in AP courses is limited and requires prerequisite courses and/or written department chair approval.

Expectation Level 4 - Courses are at an honors' expectation level and designed for students who have demonstrated excellent achievement and success in the academic area of study selected. Students undertaking honors-level study must be industrious, highly motivated, and eager to engage in a demanding academic experience. Honors course expectations are intense and challenging; out-of-class work is significant. Recommendations of teachers are required in addition to required course sequence prerequisite.

Expectation Level 3 - Courses are designed for college-bound students and emphasize the knowledge and skills essential for success in academic study beyond high school graduation. Students enrolling in Level 3 courses must be prepared to complete work at a level of quality that reflects high academic standards. Considerable out-of-class study, advanced reading and writing assignments, and a rapid pace are expected. Motivation and commitment to quality work standards are essential requirements.

Expectation Level 2 - Courses are designed for students in grades 9 through 12 who require assistance in gaining academic skills needed to pursue Level 3 (and beyond) course opportunities. The pace of study is based on practical application of skills and knowledge. Out-of-class assignments are expected to be completed as part of the student’s overall learning experience.

Expectation Level 1 - Courses are designed for students who find basic academic work difficult and experience success when individual help and attention are provided. Basic skills-development in reading, writing, and/or mathematics is stressed. Individualized student staffing using the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process is used to determine placement in Level 1 courses.

Graduation Requirements

Class of 2020

Students must complete the following courses to meet graduation requirements at Scarborough High School. The courses represent the breadth of essential knowledge for all students. It is important that students and parents are aware of the graduation requirements, as they will have a major impact on the courses students choose to take.

All students are required to carry a minimum of six courses, every semester, every year.

NOTE: It is strongly recommended that college preparatory students have at least two years of a world language. World language credit is considered an elective credit.

Classes of 2021, 2022, and 2023

In order to receive a high school diploma, students must demonstrate proficiency in the state standards in English language arts, mathematics, science and technology*, social studies, and one additional content area (student choice).

*Career and Technical Education (CTE) students must show proficiency in their individual industry standard in place of science proficiency.

All students will demonstrate growth toward the cross-curricular Guiding Principles of the Maine Learning Results to graduate. The Guiding Principles state that each Maine student must leave school as:

  • a clear and effective communicator
  • a self-directed and lifelong learner
  • a creative and practical problem solver
  • a responsible and involved citizen
  • an integrative and informed thinker

All students must be engaged in educational experiences relating to English language arts, mathematics, science & technology, and social studies in each year of their secondary schooling. Each student’s credit requirements will be as follows: