Dance and Theater

Dance I

Course #: PH139 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 (fulfills a fine arts or a PE credit) Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

If you love to move, want to learn to dance, or want a class that’s out of the ordinary, this is the class for you. This course includes study of dance technique in several styles, creation of choreography and exposure to different styles of dance. Dancers, athletes, gymnasts, cheerleaders, or any other movers may take this class regardless of previous experience. Performing is required. Course may be audited.

Expectations: Grades are based on individual improvement and achievements during the semester; participation, comprehension, and effort being the most important factors. Attendance, collaboration, and being prepared for movement (appropriate attire) are also taken into consideration. Final exam requires participation in a performance.

Dance II

Course #: [INSERT NUMBER HERE] Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 (fulfills a fine arts or a PE credit) Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Dance I or teacher approval

This class continues with the work done in Dance I, further improving dance technique, and exploring more creation of choreography adding in elements of partnering and production. Dance history and its relevance to today will be discussed. Dancers, athletes, gymnasts, cheerleaders, or any other movers may take this class after taking Dance I or with teacher approval. Performing is required. Course may be audited.

Expectations: Dance II grades are based on individual improvement and achievements during the semester; participation, comprehension, and effort being the most important factors. Attendance, collaboration, and being prepared for movement (appropriate attire) are also taken into consideration. Final exam requires participation in a performance.

Theater I

Course #: FAO131 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

This course explores the world of theater. Students study many different aspects of theater, including: improvisation, pantomime and mime, the voice and diction, acting, the structure of drama, the varieties of drama, the evaluation of drama (reviews), and the history of drama. Students experiment with improvisation and pantomime, read plays, see various performances and write reviews, work on monologues and scene work, and do various projects with selected plays.

Expectations: This is a hands-on course. Students are very active, and a willingness to participate is essential.

Theater II

Course #: FAO231 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Theater I

Theater II explores the world of theater in greater detail than Theater I. Many different aspects of theater are studied, including fundamentals of play production, stage settings, and stage lighting.

Expectations: This is a hands-on course. Student are very active, and a willingness to participate is essential.

Theater Production and Direction

Course #: FAO634 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Interest in theater, elementary education or working with children

Students learn about theater through producing and directing various shows with an elementary school. High school students work with actors as young as five years old and as old as 5th grade to produce and direct their shows. Some activities are writing scripts, teaching parts, directing, doing choreography, designing and building sets, making programs, and doing whatever is needed to produce the show. Each student assembles a notebook to monitor his/her progress throughout the year.

Text and materials: Three-ring binder

Expectations: Students must be willing to work in groups to develop communication skills, to experiment with different teaching and directing techniques, and to work with children. Regular attendance and participation are critical for being successful in this course.