Technology, Engineering, and Business

Students in the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022, who have already received a Technology Credit, can take any course within the STEM Curriculum Pathway.

Introduction to Computer Science/Coding I

Course #: IT133 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

A new, highly interactive and collaborative introduction to the field of computer science and coding. Hands on projects, coding and problem solving. Design and produce short computer programs, apps and games.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students should be at ease with a computer. The class is project-based, and students are expected to complete projects on given topics. There are also related assignments, primarily classroom-based.

Introduction to Engineering

Course #: SI345 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Engineering is intended to give students an overview of engineering. Students explore what it means to be an engineer, what engineering is, and how to do engineering. Students study engineering career options, the engineering method and design process, written and oral communication, interpersonal skills, team-building, and technical drawing. Both in teams and individually, students face a series of engineering challenges all involving science content. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the engineering process and profession.

Text and materials: Engineering the Future, It's About Time; calculator

Expectations: Students are expected to work diligently in class, and a minimum of two hours per week of homework and study time should be expected.

Introduction to Business

Course #: IT331 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

Introduction to Business is targeted at students who plan to study business in college and/or aspire to becoming business-owners in the future. Focusing on activities of the business world and the economic system in which it operates, concepts/topics include business ownership, advertising/marketing, product development, and the economy. Students learn the essentials of starting a business; skills developed include collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and presentation. Students have the opportunity to assist with day-to-day operations and functions of running the school store.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students will engage in a project based course utilizing an online simulation and various related assignments.

Computer Science/Coding II

Course #: IT233 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to CS/Coding I

Explore a wide variety of new and innovative computing platforms while expanding your understanding of what computering can be. Use circuits, create apps, event-driven programming models and develop an app of your own design.

Text and materials: Laptop

Expectations: Successful completion of Intro to Computer Science/Coding I, comfortable with computers. Able to work independently and as part of a small group.

Projects in Engineering

Course #: SI240 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering

Projects in Engineering is for students wishing to practice and expand their skills in engineering. Students progress through a series of individual and group projects that deepen his/her understanding of engineering and help develop engineering skills such as drawing, communicating, constructing prototypes, doing research, and developing ideas. A capstone project that improves the school is the feature of the course.

Text and materials: Calculator, three-ring binder

Expectations: Some of the projects in this class require that students do extensive work at home, and others will be completed within the timeframe of the class.

VEX Robotics

Course #: SI134 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering or Introduction to CS/Coding

Students work with the VEX Robotics system to gain skills and knowledge about robot components, programming, sensor functioning, servo motor control, and construction. Students follow a curriculum developed by Carnegie Mellon University on a self-directed basis. Students also work in teams of two or three to build and use a VEX robot from a kit. Some assessment is based on the performance of each team’s robot in designed competitive tasks.

Text and materials: Students will work in groups with the VEX EDR robot platform to build and test a robot designed to perform a specific task. Students will also modify the kit to perform other tasks.

Expectations: Students can expect to complete most work in class, but some study time and homework should be expected. Students must work cooperatively within their teams.

Projects in STEM

Course #: IT231 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3/4

Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering or Introduction to CS/Coding

During the semester this course will offer projects within a topic related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Students select, research, and explore the topics in depth, both as a group and individually. Most sections involve hands-on experiences. Possible topics include: GeoApps; biomimicry; ag science; career exploration/shadowing; Technology for Good; repair and repurpose of computer equipment; sustainability and weather-related topics. Each unit includes research, collection and analysis of data; practice; real-life applications; and information-sharing. There is additionally a section that includes making connections with people in related careers.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students will develop research skills, learn hands-on skills that are transferable to life and careers, and investigate interests related to STEM topics.

Website Development

Course #: IT132 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to CS/Coding

This introductory web development course is designed to give students experience working with the elements and principles of web development and design and apply those principles to web site creation. Class activities are project-based and give students an opportunity to learn html and CSS, design fundamentals, best practices, accessibility issues, copyright laws and the importance of front facing layout, along with the back end needs for publishing a website. Through class activities, students explore related careers and impact of social media, web presence and analytics in marketing.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students should be at ease with a computer. The class is project-based, and students are expected to complete projects on given topics. There are also related assignments, primarily classroom-based.

Honors Computer Programming A

Course #: SI243 Grades: 10-12 Credits: 1 Length: 1 Year Expectation Level: 4

Prerequisite: Introduction to CS/Coding I and strong math knowledge

Honors Computer Programming is a fast-paced course in Java programming. Students learn about the exciting kinds of problems tackled by computer science while exploring the field’s most important tool: Programming. The focus is on the logic of writing programs and the structures of building them. Throughout the course students study common reusable algorithms and learn to analyze them for correctness and speed.

The course covers fundamentals of programming syntax and methodology using the Java programming language. Java is a modern, object-oriented programming language used to create professional software. In addition to gaining fluency in Java, students develop general computer skills and consider the social and ethical implications of computing.

This course follows along with the AP Computer Programming curriculum but at a modified pace.

Text and materials: Online Textbook (eIMACS)

Expectations: Students will get a blend of direct instruction as well as frequent independent learning opportunities. This class covers most of the same material as AP Computer Programming, but at a slower pace. Outside assignments will be given and class time will be used for discussion, lessons and collaboration.

AP Computer Programming A

Course #: SI150 Grades: 11,12 Credits: 1 Length: 1 Year Expectation Level: 5

Prerequisite: Introduction to CS/Coding I and Algebra II-4

This is a fast-paced course equivalent to a college introductory programming class. The course covers fundamentals of programming syntax and methodology using the Java programming language. Java is a modern, object-oriented programming language used to create professional software. In addition to gaining fluency in Java, students develop general computer skills and consider the social and ethical implications of computing.

This class is for motivated and independent learners. Students follow an online curriculum at their own pace, but with clear minimum goals to reach for each quarter. Students are expected to work two to four hours each week outside of class in order to meet benchmarks. Strong students can work ahead significantly. Students taking AP Computer Science will be expected to take the AP Exam in May.

Text and materials: Online Textbook (eIMACS)

Expectations: Students are expected to maintain a rigorous pace, clearly delineated from the onset. Students spend time outside of class reading, taking notes and completing exercises. 3-4 hours per week is standard. Class time is to be used completing activities, tests and labs. Collaboration in class is expected. Students are expected to take the AP exam in May.

Sports and Entertainment Marketing

Course #: IT332 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5 Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: Introduction to Business

Offering insight into one of the most popular fields in business today, Sports and Entertainment Marketing is for students interested in sports, entertainment, and event marketing. Emphasis is on the principles of endorsements, branding, and naming rights as they apply to the industry. Students learn about requirements of creating a successful brand or product and establishing target markets. This is a project-based course utilizing marketing simulations, projects, and teamwork.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students will engage in a project based course utilizing an online simulation and various related assignments.

Personal Finance: Your Money

Course #: IT137 Grades: 9-12 Credits: .5* Length: Semester Expectation Level: 3

Prerequisite: None

This introductory/foundations course builds awareness of and knowledge about everyday financial topics and decisions around them and emphasizes the importance of building a sound financial foundation. Students are encouraged to embrace financial literacy while learning about real-world topics such as, but not limited to, budgeting and saving, choosing and balancing a checking account, managing credit/debit cards, using online banking, paying taxes, investing, finding a job, finding an apartment, buying a car, buying a home, investing for retirement, getting insurance.

Text and materials: None

Expectations: Students learn key personal financial skills and demonstrate competence in an online simulated world; understand the importance of financial literacy; realize the importance of starting a savings plan at an early age; develop knowledge of financial topics that are important now and in the future; and learn how to write checks and keep proper checking/banking/financial records.

* Personal Finance is NOT counted as a Technology Credit. It does qualify as an elective, however.