Westbrook Regional Vocational Center

The staff of Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) believes vocational education prepares students for entry into the labor force and/or post-secondary education. We offer students a hands-on, task-oriented method of instruction that develops knowledge, skills, and attitudes for life and work. Our programs are designed to meet the community’s changing technology-based labor demands and the student’s need for quality, meaningful employment. WRVC has regular interaction with the community and industry through advisory committees, student organizations, and service projects, which assist in keeping curriculum, methods, and materials current and relevant. WRVC believes all students should have access to vocational education as a component of their secondary education. We recognize students as life-long learners and encourage early awareness of vocational and post-secondary opportunities. We enforce interdisciplinary learning in the student’s regular educational setting and recognize Westbrook School Department’s vision statement as a guiding document in creating a learning environment for our students.