CP Biology

Welcome to College Prep Biology at KHS!

Please use the following links to access materials for each unit such as: class notes, handouts, laboratory activities, project rubrics, assessment review documents, and much more! Many of the items needed for class may be found in the Attachment Section below. To access the lecture materials, VODcasts and WSQ questions please select the correct unit of study below. Once correct unit link has been selected, navigate to the correct VODcast segement (listed in order of presentation in the unit (ex. VODcast 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, etc.). On the top of each VODcast page are instructions for what to do while watching the VODcasts, what to write down in terms of important information and also how to answer the WSQ questions at the completion of the video.

Flipped Learning page - use this link to access more information.

GOOGLE Classroom - please use the following code to access your classroom:

Unit 1 Population Ecology

Unit 2 Cells & Structure- The Basic Units of Life

Unit 3 Cells & Function

Unit 4 Cells - Reproduction

Unit 5 Mechanisms of Inheritance

Unit 6 Molecular Genetics

Unit 7 Natural Selection and Evolution

Mid-Year Exam - Objectives

Final Exam - Objectives

Exam Credit Recovery Policy

CP Biology Credit Recovery Procedures

  • All corrections must be done completely, and in accordance with the below guidelines in order to receive credit. Corrections are a binary system. You need to do them for all parts and for everything that you got wrong in order to receive any partial credit.

  • Corrections must be submitted on or before the day they are due in order to receive any credit.

  • Corrections will be completed on Google Docs and then shared with instructor and ALL testing materials returned to Mr. Darling.

  • Successfully completed and submitted corrections will restore one-half of lost credit, or earn you a 65 (whichever is higher).

Exam Corrections are due approximately one week after the test has been returned in class (this date is defined by Mr. Darling) , and must be completed in Mr. Darling’s room. You are welcome to come in to work on the recovery at any time - even if Mr. Darling has a class - provided you are not disruptive. Before school or after school is also encouraged, and Flex Time is ok provided you schedule ahead of time.

In order to receive credit:

  • For every incorrect multiple choice question:

    • Identify the correct answer, with an explanation of why it is correct.

    • Explain why the answer you gave is not correct.

      • These two parts are expected to be thorough, explained through research and use of work we did within the unit. Use of notes, text, etc is encouraged!!

    • Identify what material (Ex: Vodcast ‘X”, In-Class Discussion, or Activity) we did that relates to this question.

    • Identify the exam objective that question falls under.

  • For every free response **NOTE: Not every section will be available for credit recovery**

    • You must re-answer any incorrect section correctly and IN FULL noting why you did not receive full credit and what about your response was incorrect.

  • Compose a written reflection (no less than a half page) discussing how you can improve your ability to perform on exams, and why you think things did not go well on the exam in question. Pick something you may change about how you prepare as we move into the next unit. The goal here is to think about how we learn, and to improve as we move forward :)

  • Share the corrected exam questions and your reflection statement on Google Classroom and return your exam booklet and scantron to Mr. Darling