Painting of Surrealist Collage

Ben Painting of Surrealist Collage

The title of my artwork is Orange sunset. I created a surreal painting. I used the following mediums to create my work graphite pencil to outline and acrylic paint to paint. Some of the art-making techniques I used are: Outlining, and painting. I used the following elements of art in my artwork color, shape, texture, and space. To add interest to my composition, I used these principles of design: Emphasis. This artwork is about and orange as the sun setting in my favorite place which is the ocean. This completed work makes me feel excited and happy because this is the best painting I've ever created. By creating this project I learned that to blend paint you have to mix it on the canvas. In future pieces of art I may try to blend more to improve. I added my own original style by making the sun an orange to make it surreal.