
Name: Ben Project: Negative Space Leaves

The title of my artwork is Negative Space Leaves. I created an abstract piece of art. I used the following mediums to create my work: water color pencils to get rid off obvious brush strokes, Graphite pencil to make border and the leaves. Some of the art-making techniques I used are: Drawing, and painting I used the following elements of art in my artwork: Color, Line, Shape, and Space. To add interest to my composition, I used these principles of design: Emphasis. This artwork is about trying different techniques even if you aren't used to it and don't feel comfortable using them because you might mess up. This completed work makes me feel happy because of the blended blue and green back ground that used up the negative blank space. By creating this project I learned that to fill negative white space it doesn't always have to be a solid background, it can be little patterns or lines.In future pieces of art I may try adding different paint other than water colored pencils to get rid of little white spots in the background of my paper to improve my artwork. I added my own original style by blending blue to green on my background using water colored pencils.