Computing Systems and Networks

Sharing Information

Lesson 1 - Systems

In our first computing lesson, we learnt all about systems and how they have an input, process and output. We learned that not all systems are digital - for example, a bike! - and we also discussed the different steps when you order something from Amazon and collect it from a locker.

Lesson 2 - Computer systems and us

In today's lesson, we talked about different types of traffic lights and how some use sensors to be more useful. We also pretended to work in a catalogue store, like Argos, and had to put the steps in order to make sure the customer could receive the item they ordered.

Lesson 3 - Transferring Information

Our lesson today was all about how information is transferred on the internet. We learnt that everyone has a unique IP address and messages are sent in multiple packets. We did a practical activity where we had to pass the packets from one IP address to another through different routers. Some of them didn't make it because the address was wrong!

Lesson 4/5 - Work Together

In this lesson, we talked about how we can work together even if we are not near each other! We discussed the pros and cons of each. Then, we were put into groups to start writing a shared bank of information about an animal with one rule... we weren't allowed to talk to each other in person! We had to communicate using the comment feature on Google Slides. It was really hard at first but we soon got the hang of it!