Digital Citizenship

As students today have access to a wide range of information at their fingertips, we need to prepare them to navigate the Internet safely and productively. In order to do this, each year Rowland Unified students will participate in digital citizenship 3 lessons from the following domains: Media Balance & Well-Being, Privacy & Security, Digital Footprint & Identity, Relationships & Communication, Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech, and News & Media Literacy. 

RUSD Requirements for Educators

Review the Rowland Unified Responsible Use Policy in class with your students

Teach 3 Digital Citizenship lessons

Submit 3 pieces of documentation by October 25, 2024

3 Lessons per Grade Level

Updated Common Sense Education DigCit Lessons

All lessons can be found in the RUSD Nearpod District Library (make sure that you are logging into Nearpod with your district Google account in order to access the Nearpod district library). If you need help accessing the District Library, check out this quick video.

TK-2 grade: Teachers can choose between using Nearpod to deliver the lessons or using the Common Sense Education lesson materials and having students complete Seesaw activities to support their learning. 

3rd-12th grade: Teachers will use the Nearpod lessons for digital citizenship.

TK-6th grade Spanish dual language: Materials are available in Spanish and can be found in this Google Drive folder (organized by grade level).

Submit your Documentation

Follow-Up Activities

Remember that digital citizenship is not something to be checked off at the beginning of the year; it is something that should be continually referred to as students are using technology in and out of the classroom.

To aid in this, here are some follow-up activities you can provide for your students:

Also, if you're looking for more ideas follow #DigCit on Twitter

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are we teaching digital citizenship?

As students today have access to a wide range of information at their fingertips, we need to prepare them to navigate the Internet safely and productively.

Where can I find the lessons?

All lessons can be found in the RUSD Nearpod District Library.

How can I submit documentation that I have taught the 3 lessons?

Documentation will be submitted on a Google Form which you can access here and on the RUSD EdTech Website.

When should I submit documentation for the lessons I have taught?

Please submit your documentation after you teach each lesson.

Do I need to submit an artifact for each student?

No, please only submit 1 artifact for each lesson. This can be a photo of students participating in the lesson, an item students created during the lesson, a copy of the lesson assessment, etc.

How long will each lesson take?

Each lesson will take between 45-60 minutes to complete.

When will I teach the lessons?

All 3 lessons need to be taught by October 29, 2023. You can choose to teach them whenever you would like as long as you have completed them by this date. Individual sites may determine when lessons will be taught.

Who will teach the lessons at the secondary level?

This determination will be done by individual sites. A specific department may teach the lessons, the librarian or computer lab tech may teach the lessons, or a combination of educators. Please work with your administrators to determine what will work best for you and your students.

Who should I reach out to for support?

Please reach out to Brandi Miller ( with any questions.