

Classwize lets you manage your students' online access. You can send your entire class to a specific website, allow and restrict access to certain sites, message your students, and lock students’ screens. You also have the ability to see students’ screens, open tabs, and internet activity.

In order to utilize Classwize, you must have set up a class in Google Classroom with your students. Classwize syncs classes from Google Classroom and will then display each of these classes on your Classwize Dashboard and allow you to view and manage your students' online access. 

Logging In

In the dropdown box to select a school, choose then click the sign in with Google button.

Setting Up Your Classwize Schedule

Scheduling your Classwize class allows you to automatically start and stop your class. At the secondary level, this is very important to do so that you will not be affecting students' internet access when they are not in your class. 

Classwize Cheat Sheet and Quick Guide

Classwize Quick Guide.pdf

Management Options

Class Tools: Allow you to interact with students during a Classwize session 

Rules: Allow you to interact with internet filtering during class

Please note that students must use the Google Chrome browser for these management options to work.