Sharing / Intercambio

Note:  The 2024  TOTCUS Symposium is scheduled for (Eastern Hemisphere -- December 6.  The Western Hemisphere share take place December 4 or 4 TBA)

TOTCUS is about gaining knowledge,  

                        SHARING that KNOWLEDGE

     and seeking action for the good of our Planet and those that inhabit it.

This Sharing Page is divided into several sections.


                A. Below are the links to projects within the  domains of  




where the reader will be able to view completed or in-progress projects;

Then we find

                 B. Links to the TOTCUS Symposiums or Progress Presentations

and you will find

                  C. Links to presentations and media about the TOTCUS Project

ii. Social                  Domain Projects

TOTCUS Symposiums /

Simposios TOTCUS

2023 - November 30 / December 1: SYMPOSIUM

On November 30 and Dececember 1  nineteen TOTCUS working groups presented their presentations in what was one and a half Symposiums. To explain the half.  First, the time in New Zealand and South Korea may have been December 1, but for the schools to the East of the International Dateline it was November 30. Second, because of time differences, to present at the Symposium would have been in the wee hours of the night, we hosted a mini Symposium for the groups in Finland-New Zealand-South Korea-India, with the students from Singapore at hand in Auckland. 

2023 - 30 de Noviembre / 1 de Diciembre: SIMPOSIO

Los días 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre diecinueve grupos de trabajo de TOTCUS presentaron sus presentaciones en lo que fue un Simposio y medio. Para explicar la mitad. En primer lugar, la hora en Nueva Zelanda y Corea del Sur pudo haber sido el 1 de diciembre, pero para las escuelas al Este de la Línea Internacional de Fecha fue el 30 de noviembre. En segundo lugar, debido a las diferencias horarias, la presentación en el Simposio habría sido en la madrugada. A pocas horas de la noche, organizamos un mini simposio para los grupos de Finlandia, Nueva Zelanda, Corea del Sur y la India, con los estudiantes de Singapur presentes en Auckland.

Click here to see the 2023 students projects / Haga clic aquí para ver los 2023 proyectos de los estudiantes.

A1 - Is climate change impacting the relationship between fresh water availability and demand? Marlow & Judd Winder, Edward Medemblik, Rosmini College, Azra Ortiz, Alexander Carcamo. Liceo Juan Bautista Contardi.

A2  - Impact of climate change on water availability in Tacna. (New Zealand /Peru)  Sebastian Kennedy, Quillan Drum, Noah Simunac, Nicolas Torres Rosmini College and Salomón Quispe, Guadalupe Vargas,,Zura Gómez, Fernanda Bazalar, Anghel Larico y Fabián Arias Paradise International College

A3 - Ocean Acidification in Easter Island. (Rapa Nui-Chile) Francisco Marambio, Angela López, Agustín Morales and Kiva Silva The English Academy  and            

           Ocean acificiation in New Zealand. (New Zealand) David Maher, Victor Neuman  Rosmini College

A4 - The effect of climate change on oceans (India / New Zealand). James Walker, Clifford Kristantoro, Brike Fernandes, Rosmini College and Aarav Shah, Vansh Srivastava, Samanvi Vanama, Ronak Dundigalla Gitanjali Devashray

A5 - The consequences of climate change on soil erosion in the Yakima River  (Washington State) basin and streams in the Auckland region. (New Zealand / USA)  Meridith Kenney, Arthur Hagge, Charlotte Young, Joseph Brown Three Rivers HomeLink  and Hamish Baker, Xavier Smith, Liam Buckingham, Dylan Tang, Connor McDougall, James Orjalo Rosmini College

B6 -- Adapting to Flooding in Auckland and Punta Arenas  (New Zealand / Chile). Jack Hollewand, Oscar Reade, Callum Khan, Cale JewsonRosmini College, and Maite Verdugo, Ambar Rivera and Victoria Ibáñez Liceo Juan Bautista Contardi.

B7 - Water Scarcity in New Zealand  and Peru (New Zealand / Peru). Declan.Ford and Benjamin.Browne Rosmini College and Rubí Melendez, Aisa Bernabé, Bruno Arenas, Sebastián Pacheco, and Francesco Barnett Paradise International College

B8  - The Agreement of Wills (1888) and Treaty of Waitangi (1840) and climate change. (Rapa Nui-Chile / New Zealand) Josefa Molina, Pia Rodriguez, Hector Molina and Tauhani SilvaThe English Academy and James Vaughn, Tomohiro Shiba, Kaiser Foreman, Bi Yoo, Rosmini College.

B9 - The impact of Microplastics in New Zealand, Chile and Antarctica (New Zealand / Chile) Carter Oosterdijk, Jason Botros, Ethan Drum Rosmini College and Cristobal Caneles Martinez, Dominic Martinez Gonzalez, Isidora Barriag, Vera Liceo Juan Bautista Contardi.

B10 - Does climate change lead to supply chain disruption and food scarcity: India and New Zealand comparisons (New Zealand / India) Jayden Chen, Benjamin Browne, Aidan Connell Lemuel Joseph Rosmini College and N Lakshitha, N Rithima, Aarjavi, Aanya Khan Gitanjali Devashray

C11 - Rising seas and salt water intrusion in New Zealand (New Zealand)  Josh Leadbeater Jonathan Nicholson, Kenrich Shek, Carter McCloskey Rosmini College

C12 - Climate changes impact Auckland's coastline (New Zealand) Jack Coleman, Max Yates, Leo Goffinet, Wade Hessell, Beau Sangster Rosmini College

C13 - Coastal Erosion -- Climate Change  (New Zealand) Louis Samuels, Harry Jones, Cole Sangster Rosmini College

C14 -Impact of climate change on coastal deforestation  (New Zealand)   Marcus Yap, Don Cafe, Maika Moce, Ethan Kong Rosmini College

C15 - How Climate Change may Impact Animal Populations in Finland and New Zealand (Finland  / New Zealand) Verneri Seppala, Sara Kilpelainen, Peppi Tanskanen, Joanna Putrolainen, Eveliina Kumpulainen Kuoppanummen Koulukeskus and Callum O'Mahony, Chase Christie, George Pigeon Rosmini College

C16 - Our Story - Singapore  (Singapore)  Bryan Wong, Dawn Lim, Fiona Ting, Hannah Lee Raffles Institution

C17 - Is climate change leading to the loss of cultural heritage on Rapa Nui ((Rapa Nui-Chile) Irirangi Hay, Tarimana Manutomatoma, Angela Gomez, Vicente Labra, David Ortega, Rocio Rapu  The English Academy

C18 - How is climate change disrupting New Zealand native plant life, and impacting the use these plants as natural medicines. (New Zealand)  Liam Kelly, Andres Abrego, Jason Botos, Adriano Montague-Brown Rosmini College

C19 - Climate change: Do we wish or do we act (South Korea / New Zealand) Junho Lee, Gangyu Kim, Heewung Um, Taelim Kim, Jisung Ha, Juyoung Youn Hongik University Middle School and Simon Tagg, Yilin Lin, Daniel Cullum, Jiho Lim, Jihoo Lee Rosmini College  

See some of our Symposium Photos here above -- scroll right or left

2023 - May 16 / 17: Progress Presentations / 2023 - 16 / 17 de mayo: Presentaciones de avances

Click here to see the projects Haga clic aquí para ver los proyectos de los estudiantes.


Promotion  Presentations

2024  Click here to see Submission to the 2024 Parliamentary Inquiry into Climate Change Adaption

TOTCUS – Parliamentary Submission on Climate Change Adaptation

Senior TOTCUS leaders, Jack, Nicolas, Yilin, Daniel and Noah responded to the call and forwarded their Submission of Climate Change adaptation to the Parliamentary Select Committee. The message was that the government needs to support the replication of programmes like TOTCUS that enables students to gain knowledge to share and act upon as we adapt to climate change. The boys crafted their submission around the experiences they had learned participating in three of the collaborative projects being undertaken and the important lessons that will help them be positive contributors and future decision makers.
Our TOTCUS was also shared in presentations at meetings in Christchurch on Thursday and Friday, and was a featured activity at the PICARD (Pacific Island Climate Research and Adaptation Symposium) in Honolulu on Saturday.

2023 Click here to see the presentations about TOTCUS

Link to presentation on Microplastics to primary school students in Singapore by Carter, Hamish and Declan - Rosmini College

Wood, G:  Global Education Conference, Auckland, September . TOTCUS-LACAPE 

Wood, G: Presentation to the Rosmini Pacifica Parents Group, August 2023. TOTCUS Project: Combating climate change in the Pacific Basin.

Wood, G. Presentation to Vietnam schools connect (ENZ): Does climate change effect us: Vietnam/New Zealand. March, 2023.

2022 Click here to see the presentations

Barrientos Oyarzun, N.  TOTCUS Presentación Proyecto Escolar Collage de Recortes de Papel Marrón, November 2022.

Wood, G. Presentation to the Auckland Enviro Schools:Auckland  July 2022 Enviro Schools 

In the Beginning:  Season 1. Presentation 

Mr. Wood (Rosmini) sharing insights on TOTCUS at NZs Parliament celebration of 50 years of diplomacy between Chile and NZ..Joining him are Ms. Natalie Lulia (University of Waikato) Ms. Lisa Futschek (Deputy Director, Latin American Centre for Asia-Pacific Excellence) and Dr. Chris Moy (University of Otago and the founder of the Winds of Change programme.

Spreading the word about TOTCUS at the Centre of Asia and Pacific Excellence Conference - Auckland, Nov 2023.  

Below: Mr Wood(Rosmini) and Dr. Claudio Aquayo (AUT). Dr Aquayo is Chilean and is the Director of Research and Development, App Lab and an advisor for TOTCUS.


2024 - Newsletters 

UPDATE 4 - October 2023. UPDATE 4

History: Our first Newsletters:

2023 - Newsletter Click here to see the newsletter

2022 - Newsletters Click here to see the newsletters

UPDATE 3 - September 2022. UPDATE 3   

UPDATE 2 - August 2022.  UPDATE 2

UPDATE  1  - July 2022. UPDATE 1 

History: Our first Newsletters:

Examples of our first News letters are shown here.