Rosmini College - Microplastics Project
The TOTCUS Microplastics Group is made up of students from Rosmini College, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand; Liceo Juan Bautista Contardi, Punta Arenas, Magllanes, Chile; Paradise International Colleges in Lima and Tacna, Peru; and Hongik University Middle School in Seoul, South Korea
The Contardi students have been focused on the volume of plastics found on the shoreshine and are now seeking solutions to this issue, aware that the plastic items found in that environment eventually break down into smaller particles.. The Rosmini students are focused on micro/nano plastics that are found in rain water; the volume, content and flow of plastic through a school environment (see below); and impacts of plastic on the environment.
Watch this space in regard to how the group builds their KNOWLEDGE on this issue and how their ACTION evolves.
The Table and Figure below show the type of plastic and content that flowed out of Rosmini College on ONE day in September 2024. It does not account for plastic items taken home by the students or plastic pieces/items that were washed down the storm water drains.
Link to the 2023 TOTCUS Symposium presentation is here and Carter's poster showing the impact of microplastics on human health.
Below is data SC/LI have found at Auckland beaches. Compare with the Rosmini data above.