2.2 Learning Journeys

This PLLT Project was designed in relation to strategic direction 2.2 which placed a focus on learning journeys. There were two specific activities completed under this project:

In 2022 the activities we focused on were:

Some of the milestones that have been achieved in this project included:

Learner Profiles & Portfolios

Video 1 of 2: In this video, PLLT Co-Leaders Kylie Munzenberger, Joel Baines and Elise Edney discuss their project and milestones that they have implemented so far. 

Subject Goals & Student Academic Self-Assessment

Video 2 of 2: In the second video the PLLT Co-Leaders discuss the second milestone they have set out to achieve as apart of the overall PLLT project. 

Initiative Evaluation Poster

Professional Learning

Student Learning Goals & Reflection

PDHPE Example

Learner Profiles

Student Agency


Department of Education

Learner Passport Program

Rooty Hill High School was invited to partake in the trial of the learner passport program before it was rolled out state wide. In the video below, RHHS students discuss the workings of 'My Learning Hub' a tool developed in house and used by students to showcase their capabilities. For more information on the learner passport program click on the following link: 

Student Goal Setting Scaffold & Examples