Rigorous Reading (Literacy)

Why our project?

 “Literacy is fundamental to a student’s ability to learn at school and to engage productively in society.”1

How did this align with the school plan?

Evidence: Average growth in reading performance and reading trajectories is within one standard deviation of state average, and growth in Years 7-9 and 9-12 is above state average.
Practice: There will be evidence in subject-based programs, teaching and learning sequences, lesson design and classroom observations of the practices of the Rigorous Reading platform.

Key Performance Measures

Over the next three years, Strategic Direction One will achieve:

To ensure that the project delivered on stated outcomes, the PLLT intended to measure progress against the following outcomes:

What was our “theory of practice”?


An Introduction to Rigorous Reading

PLLT Co-Leaders Catherine Lucas and Beverly Powell discuss the rigorous reading program at RHHS in detail.

Impact and Evaluation Poster

Are you interested in learning more on this specific project?

If so, we have created a podcast, where the PLLT Co-Leaders Catherine Lucas and Beverly Powell talk in depth about their project, please click here to listen to it.