Alumni Spotlight

Meet Christy Woodburn!

Mrs. Woodburn, part of the first RBA graduating class in 2oo7, now owns and operates Greatest Potential Chiropractic in Leland, NC.


During my high school years, I was home-schooled. I met my husband at the end of my senior year, and we started dating in 2011. We noticed that we had similar interests in career goals as well as a calling to serve our community. Once we were engaged, we decided to press forward together to achieve our goals. He went to Chiropractic school and got his Chiropractic degree, and I ventured out to learn the ins and outs of the business side of it (billing, accounting, insurance, etc.)

What are you doing now?

We own and operate Greatest Potential Chiropractic. Our office is in Leland, NC in the Waterford shopping plaza. We are living our dream and loving that we get to serve the people in our community through health and healing. My husband does the adjusting, and I do the business aspects (marketing, billing, accounting, insurance, training, and more). I am also a mom of two beautiful girls, ages 4 and 2. To add to our already busy schedule, we just recently started a new company so my dad can retire doing something he loves. I believe everyone should have a chance to do what they love in life, and we wanted to give him his chance. That company is called Southeastern Land Solutions.

How did your time at The Roger Bacon Academy prepare you for your endeavors?

The Roger Bacon Academy prepared me by giving me the necessary tools not only needed for schooling, but tools that I could actually use throughout my life. The curriculum has always been amazing, but so are the teachers and how they instill the importance of hard work, respect, and dignity.

How has your Roger Bacon Academy education shaped who you are as a person and in your career?

My education at The Roger Bacon Academy helped shape me into the person I am today in more ways than one. First, the Pledge is something that still resonates with me today: I pledge to keep myself healthy in body, mind, and spirit. This is something I work for daily within myself, but also by educating and serving our community in health and healing. I pledge to be truthful in all my works. Being truthful will get you a long way in life and it is certainly necessary when working with the community. I pledge to be virtuous in all my deeds. I have high moral standards in all that I do. It is one thing to act virtuous, but another to actually live it. I pledge to be obedient and loyal to those in authority so long as I shall live. I will always respect others, especially those in authority in our community and country.

Secondly, there are a few teachers along the way that made a great impact on my life: Mrs. Cathi Mintz, Mrs. Lorraine Beamer, Mr. Cory Mull, Mrs. Melissa Rittenour, and Ms. Page Marshall are just a few. I believe it is important to have great teachers who not only teach but show that they care about each and every student, and that is what each of them did. They made learning fun while showing how much they cared for their students.

Lastly, RBA taught me to work hard in all I do and always reach for my goals.