Technology Training

COVID 19 related resources - REMC 10 is proud to help school staff in transitioning to more online delivery of learning. In that spirit we have offered several training sessions via Google Meet. These training sessions were recorded and have been published to YouTube for you to access on demand. Click the links below for the recordings available to date. Please let us know if there are other topics that would be helpful to you, your students or their families.

REMC 10 will provide Discovery Education or Moodle training for your staff at no cost. Please contact us to make arrangements. Many other training opportunities are outlined on this page, see below.

REMC Association of Michigan Professional Development Offerings. Visit the REMC Professional Learning Page to see all of the great opportunities. REMCAM also offers some great Classroom Tools. New professional development offerings and classroom tools are added on a regular basis so check back often.

EduPaths is a professional development portal for ALL Michigan Educators. EduPaths courses are aligned with school improvement framework, multi tiered systems of support, and designed to expand understanding on a wide variety of topics. Courses are available online and are completely self-paced. They are intended to help educators to personalize their own learning plan anytime and anyplace.

TRIG/Dell Professional Learning - FREE Courses. Ten great professional development courses that include SCECH's (6-9) upon course completion. See the web page for a complete listing of course offerings.

Goodwill Community Foundation provides 125 free tutorials on a wide variety of topics including technology, reading, math and many others. Check it out at Tuscola ISD has adapted many of the Microsoft Office courses with Moodle, if you are interested please let us know and we'll make you a copy!

Other training sessions will be provided throughout the year. Watch our website, follow our Twitter feed or watch your e-mail for notifications!