Check out NPDL

New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning (aka NPDL)

Our school has become a NPDL school over the past 2 years. This partnership allows us to engage with the resources available from NPDL, and gives us the challenge of making learning deeper and more meaningful for our students. NPDL strives to change the role of teacher to "activator", and students are motivated through learning challenges to find their passions and act on them. This creates an atmosphere of deeper learning, and sets the stage for Michael Fullan's 6 C's: character education, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, citizenship, creativity and imagination, and communication. One of the ways that we incorporated this philosophy was by hosting a science fair with our students this year in our school; this allowed students to research topics of their interest, and share their learning with others (see picture above).

Please visit the website, or click on the link below to learn more: