
Microbits - tiny computers that can be coded to do many things!

Through our Living Space project with Canadian Astronaut David Saint Jacques, the International Space Station, and the Canadian Space Agency, we were fortunate to receive some microbit mini computers that students programmed to do a number of fun activities. Microbits can be purchased also, and there are fun resources that go with them. Another fun application of coding!

Through the Living Space Project, our students used the microbits to monitor temperature, carbon dioxide levels, and humidity levels in our classrooms. We tracked our levels and compared them to the levels on the ISS. We then made plans that we shared with parents and administration to lower our class' carbon dioxide levels and increase our humidity levels in the winter.

Where can you get microbits? Check out the website microbit.org for more information and how to order. Also there is another website and has locations in Ontario - the link is https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/getting-started-with-the-microbit.