Online LeaRning
Kia ora koutou katoa,
We hope that you and your whānau are well and that your children are doing their best with off-site learning. This can look different for everyone and it certainly can take a bit of getting used to. The team at QCC is doing our very best to keep the “learning” progressing - whilst adapting just as we all are, to recent changes to our daily lives.
We acknowledge that the experience for some of you - joining the online learning world - may have been overwhelming and you may be sharing a device with other whānau in your home. Please note delivery of hard copy work and device support is still a work in progress. Let us assure you that we will continue to support your child’s learning online, at every year level. Do let us know what you need from us as every whānau has different needs at this time.
As a school community we have achieved so much in a short space of time - please know how proud we are of you all.
He waka eke noa - We are all in this together.
ONLINE LEARNING - KEY Information 2022
General Expectations for students
Put your health and your family first and continue to follow all government advice in order to stay safe.
Check your school email account and Google Classroom once a day if possible, and respond to any messages from teachers.
Staying in regular touch with your classes is important.
Remember teachers are also busy with their families, so please understand that they will respond to your emails and messages and give feedback on your work when they can.
There is an expectation that students will attend online classes and complete online learning activities set by the classroom teacher each week - as they would in an onsite classroom.
Years 7 to 10 Learning Routine - Online + OFFLINE
Below is an example of what an online/offline learning morning routine for our JUNIOR students could be set up like. This could be adapted to suit - (Flexible - to do either morning - mid morning - afternoon sessions)
OFFLINE - this may include can access emails on a phone but no laptop, landline phone access only, TV.
8.30am - 9.00am
Discussion around learning blocks for the day - fill in student learning planner.
Discussion around what learning could happen in the home/outside today. Student fill in a diary or a list of goals
9.00am - 9.30am
Log on - check emails
Open up Google classroom for form class respond if needed to form teacher/classmates
Check in - text or email your form teacher. Phone call to a classmate.
9.30am - 10.00am
First session class 1. Open up google classroom, check for new posts by teacher, posts by classmates - respond if needs/wants to. The links will all be in the google classroom. Participate in some learning. This could include a discussion, writing a story, working on education perfect, e - ako maths, PE & Health activity or challenge, art & design, languages, baking, research, TVNZ education programs, gardening.
First session of learning offline could include - Participating in some hard copy work you took home from school with you. PE & Health activity, reading a book or the newspaper, baking, writing a story or letter, creating art designs, gardening, helping around the house, TVNZ education programs. Participating in some learning.
10.30am - 11.00am
Break, drink, brain snack, movement
Break, drink, brain snack, movement
11.30am - 12.00pm
Second session of learning within class 2. Repeat info from above
Second session of learning within class 2. Repeat info from above
12.00pm - 12.30pm
Third session of learning within class 3. Repeat info form above
Third session of learning within class 3. Repeat info form above
12.30pm - 1.00pm
Break, drink, lunch, movement - Discussion around if student wants to continue anymore online learning for day
Break, drink, lunch, movement - Discussion around if student wants to continue anymore online learning for day
Junior students (Middle school Year 7 & 8)
Recommendations are for 3 hours of learning time a day.
This can be flexible to suit the needs of your whānau, or it can also be structured to support individual child needs.
Some students are following what would have been their usual school timetable, whereas some are choosing what learning to do each day.
There is already so much learning going on within our current situation that you may be discussing as a whānau and teachers are utilising as learning topics.
School staff will be in contact with students & parents if we can’t see evidence of attendance and engagement in the work set
Home Learning TVNZ Educational TV channels
Juniors (Year 9 & 10)
Year 9 - 10 students will have a similar routine to the middle school students but may spend more time on individual projects, practical challenges or research based activities.
Recommendations are for 3 hours of learning time a day.
This can be flexible to suit the needs of your whānau, or it can also be structured to support your child better.
School staff will be in contact with students & parents if we can’t see evidence of attendance and engagement in the work set
Home Learning TVNZ Educational TV channels
Seniors (Year 11 - 13)
Students will continue to follow the learning plans set for their individual subjects and access their learning via Google classrooms. Senior students can expect approximately a minimum of 3 hours per subject per week. How senior students organise their learning time is up to them, but we strongly recommend that they
Establish a daily routine, that works with the rest of your family, with blocks of time set aside for learning, helping out around the house, some exercise, connecting socially with others and plenty of breaks too.
Use our student check in/learning planner to help keep track of tasks & meetings – it’s hard to stay organised, so use Google calendar or other planning docs to prioritise deadlines and staying on top of work
Keep in touch with your teachers & classmates – let them know when you have completed learning activities, or if you need help. Contacting Your Teachers Your teachers will message you regularly via Google Classroom and/or email. You should use the same platforms to get in touch with your teachers if you need to:
Post messages to a Google classroom or stream if it is of a general nature (e.g. getting clarification about a task), just as you might ask a question in class.
Use the method of communication that suits you and your teacher/class best. This could be email to message a teacher directly, posts on google classroom. Teachers may also make use of Zoom or Google Meet so that you can ‘meet’ face-to-face. Your teacher will let you/your class know when these events will happen so that you can be ready at home.
School staff will be in contact with students & parents if we can’t see evidence of attendance and engagement in the work set
NCEA and Assessment Updates
NCEA’s flexibility is a huge strength at this time. We can change our learning and assessment plans if we need to for NCEA subjects to accommodate remote learning.
Assessment dates and deadlines for standards currently underway are negotiable. Please talk to your teacher. You do not need to apply for an extension for any assessments. Remember: health and wellbeing come first.
NZQA are being very supportive and are working with the Ministry of Education to ensure no one is adversely affected by the COVID-19 lockdown.
All schools will be considering how we can use all learning to support internal assessment through the lockdown period. Any work you complete may be used to contribute to internal assessment grades or derived grades.should attendance at external assessments be disrupted.
Work is also underway to make sure that all qualifications, awards and pathways (including University Entrance and Vocational Pathways) will remain available through any disruptions.
If you have any questions or concerns around your courses please don’t hesitate to contact your teacher or Mrs Colman (DP Curriculum)
Student Resource Templates
Further links for information
NZQA Updates around assessment and qualifications
Ministry of education Educational and COVID update
Studyit NCEA help from online teachers & students
LearnCoach NCEA help and support
KhanAcademy Daily schedules for students ages 2-18 to keep them learning.
Home Learning TVNZ Educational TV channels
Noho tawhiti, Tū kotahi - Sit at a distance, stand as one.
Key Information
These things should have already happened
Let the school know if you don’t have access to a device or internet at home, so we can support you. If Mr Jones has not spoken with you/your parents in the past few days please email
Had contact from your form teacher and classroom teachers via gmail, and been sent google classroom invites, checked your QCC gmail and accepted the invites.
Some subjects have been reorganised into Year group learning, so you will have been sent an invitation which you will need to have accepted.( Please open your emails and check for these invitations if you haven’t already).
Some holiday activities and study notes may have been posted for you over the holidays
You may have had further work set via other online resources e.g Education Perfect
By Wednesday 15th April you should have
Received an update of key information from QCC (sent via email, added to school website and any beep notifications)
Received at least one email and any invitations to your google classrooms from your Form teacher and classroom teachers with some learning goals and activities for week 1 of term 2
Have had a discussion with your family around a good place to set up for your learning to take place e.g - kitchen table.
Begin a learning journal to keep track of your learning - templates will be given
Understand the expectations and your responsibilities for remote learning - details in the box below
If any of this has not happened for you by Wednesday April 15th please email your form teacher
Students requirements and responsibilities
These are expected to be done by everyone
Daily log in - Log in and check in with their form teachers on a daily basis - 9.30am - 10.00am
Guidelines are that you should spend at least 3 hours per day on your learning. (Seniors 3 hours per subject per week - Juniors 3 hours of learning a day). There is an expectation that students will complete the online learning activities set by the classroom teacher each week - as they would in an onsite classroom. Teachers will be monitoring engagement and interactions and will follow up as and when required.
Learning Journal - Students should be keeping a learning journal of what they do each day - templates for this will be shared with you
Google classrooms - Check daily for any new work that has been posted, introductions to new topics, and debriefs from prior learning. Students can ask questions, and some group chats may be set up by the teacher. Any new work will be posted daily by 10.00am
Online chats - If students are required to be part of an online group chat the teacher will set guidelines about etiquette for this learning If students are required to be part of an online video chat/discussion students must be set up in an open area in the house, (not in a bedroom) and must be appropriately dressed
Responsible use of Technology - Students must use technology responsibly at all times. Students are not permitted to record any chat discussions or video conferencing
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
Who can I talk to/contact if I can’t access the work?
Your form teacher is the first person to contact via email
Mrs Colman and they will support you by contacting your classroom teacher or ITSupport if required.
What happens if I am sick?
Just follow the usual process for when you are sick: get a parent/adult to contact the school and say that you are unwell.
Your classroom teacher will be notified.
I don’t feel comfortable uploading work to the online classroom or engaging in the online discussions?
Let your form teacher/classroom teacher know how you are feeling or a parent/adult could contact them to let them know. It may be you just need support in showing you how to upload things correctly, or your teacher to go through the guidelines of communication online with you again.
Support videos are currently being designed and will be shared as soon as they are ready.
Do I actually need to do the work set? 🤔
YES - there is an expectation that you will do the work set by your teachers - just as you would onsite at school.
If for any reason you are finding it difficult or feel you are falling behind communicate this early to your teacher.
I am stressing out about my NCEA assessments. What’s happening?
These are difficult times for many people - stay calm, we are here to help you. There is lots of support.
The focus is on the learning and getting online learning systems right (nationally) initially.
Check here for any updates from NZQA and also information we may send out when updates come in.
I have done all the work, what do I do now?
Contact your classroom teacher first.
Other learning can be happening within a variety of ways. TVNZ is going to have two tv channels for learning, there are lots of learning websites and links to free online courses that you could look into.
Focus on wellbeing and do exercise, baking, crafting...
There is also extra learning on these sites Learning from Home and Ki te Ao Mārama websites.
I have so many notifications from my google classrooms in my emails, it is overwhelming 😰 can I turn these off somehow?
Yes you can follow the instructions on this link.
This way you can manage what notifications you want to see e.g All or only some from some classes, assessment reminders .
My teacher is wanting to set up a group chat for the class and small groups, do I need particular software on my computer for this and does it cost money?
Most popular group chat platforms being currently used are free and you can easily access by using your gmail account.
Discuss with your teacher/class what one best suits the needs of the discussion and purpose. This may only be used with senior students.
More supporting information will come out about this.
My parents are concerned about my safety online - now that all our learning is online how can I reassure them I am doing school work?
Good communication about your learning with your parents is key, share with them what you are learning and how a google classroom works.
If you/your parents have any further questions of concerns you/they can contact your form teacher or this is a great website
How do I set up my day - do I work off my usual timetable?
That is a very good idea to set some good working habits in place and get good structure with a comfortable place to work, like the dining table or kitchen table - particularly for junior students.
Senior students who may be more used to self-directed learning and can monitor priorities (with discussion with teachers) may plan their days slightly differently.
Ideally seniors would at the very least have 3 hours per subject per week - whereas
Junior students need to do 3 hours of learning a day, and following their timetable for that is a good idea.
Your form teachers can talk about this further with you.