Board of Trustees

Megan Bruce Chairperson/Presiding Member

Picton is my home town and I was educated at Picton Borough School and Queen Charlotte College before leaving to work, travel and study. In 1999 I gladly returned home as a teacher, taking up a position in the English Department where I stayed for the majority of my teaching career. I also spent five interesting years as Careers Advisor which gave me insight into different aspects of education and the opportunities available for our students. My husband Martyn and I are parents to Kahurangi who is a student at QCC. I am proud to be able to serve our school community on the Board and contribute to nurturing a sense of belonging and making our students' experience of school worthwhile and engaging. 

Gavin Beattie  Vice Chairperson

In 2012 I returned home to Marlborough to live in Picton with my family. My daughter Erin, is a student at Queen Charlotte College and my wife Taryn, is also a teacher at the school. I work at Port Marlborough as the infrastructure manager where I lead the engineering and workshop team to develop and maintain our port and marina facilities. As a family we enjoy making the most of the outdoors, mountain-biking and boating in the sounds. 

Sheriee Jamieson Finance

I grew up in Picton and attended Queen Charlotte College. My husband Gavin and I have owned marine businesses in Picton for the past 20 years. We love being part of the Picton community and can't think of a better place in NZ to raise our three young children. As well as the marine industry, I have a background in travel, tourism and finance and believe that the skills I have gained in these areas, will help me fulfil my role on the QCC Board.

Georgine Raj Parent Representative

I was born in Te Kuiti and raised in Te Puke. My family and I moved to Picton in May 2012 and we absolutely love it. We have 6 children, and a mokopuna aged 1 year. Our two eldest daughters (Pare and Mihi) attended QCC and my 11 year old Mercedes is a Yr7. My son will also be attending QCC in 2024. I have enjoyed being a Netball Coach for QCC throughout the past six years.  I am very humbled and grateful to be a part of the QCC BoT and the wider school whānau. I am looking forward to working with our Board to support our kaiako, our tauira and their whānau. As a family we love sport, camping, attending church, being involved in local events and going on family holidays across Aotearoa.

Ngā mihi kia koutou e te whānau.

Susana Tyrell Parent Representative 

I am a very proud Samoan living in Picton with my family for over 5 years.Presently I am a Board member at the Picton School.  I am a Pasifika Performing Arts creative facilitator, teaching in several of the schools in Blenheim including Picton School and Queen Charlotte College. My sons Louis is currently a year 7 student.  He often shares with us the positives and opportunities the College provides for all students.  I bring a positive can-do attitude, an out of box thinking style, I bring new ideas and different ways of looking at things and offer extensive experience, knowledge and skills to make a valuable contribution to the governance of Queen Charlotte College. I am humbled and honoured to be a parent representative on the Board, and committed to providing a high level of support to ensure students and staff have the opportunities that will provide them with successful futures. Faafetai 

Brendan Carroll Principal

Dianna Nicholson Staff Representative

In my role as the staff representative of the BOT for Queen Charlotte College, I hope to represent the views of my colleagues in a fair manner.  I am also proud to be part of the governance of our school. I would like to help keep Queen Charlotte a pleasant place to work, in a supportive and collaborative environment, and help keep up the high standards to ensure our students achieve their personal best. 

Teresa Thomas Te Ātiawa Representative

Ko Arapaoa te moutere tapu

Ko Piripiri te maunga, Ko Waitohi te awa, Ko Tokomaru te waka, Ko Te Ātiawa te iwi, Ko Waikawa te marae,               Nō Waikawa ahau. Ko Teresa Thomas tōku ingoa

I am the mokopuna of Amo Poki (nee Love) and Karaitiana Poki rāua ko Monica and Richard Thomas and the pōtiki of Ruby and David Thomas. I had the privilege of being raised by Waikawa and puhi of our Arapaoa whare. I attended our kōhanga, Waikawa Bay School and Queen Charlotte College and then spent a year at the Wellington Māori Netball Academy, before moving to Brisbane, Australia starting my 20-year career in the financial industry. I returned home to Waikawa in 2016, after 14 years abroad working in various financial roles and currently employed remotely and in Wellington as Risk and Assurance Manager for Kiwi Wealth Ltd.My husband and I have five tamariki between us. It was always my dream to raise my tamariki in “Waikawatanga” and it is with great pride and privilege that I am fulfilling that dream surrounded by our whānau.  Nei ra te mihi kia a tatou 

Sophie Reid Student Representative

Kia ora, my name is Sophie and I'm proud to be the Student Representative of the Board. 

I started at Queen Charlotte in 2023, and I'm currently in Year 11. I will strive to do my very best in this role and to make sure the voices of the students are heard. My personal interests are music, crafts, and the outdoors. 

Queen Charlotte College 

173 Waikawa Road, Picton, New Zealand

Email: Phone: +64 3 573 6558