Elective Courses

For the 2023/2024 school year, all electives run for one marking period with the exception of Civics, which runs for one semester. After each marking period, students will switch into a new elective and continue with that elective for the marking period. Each student will have two periods of electives for a total of 7 electives during the academic year (Civics and 6 additional marking period electives). Any student enrolled in chorus, band, or orchestra will be enrolled in that course for the academic year. Those students will have a total of four electives during the academic year (ensemble, Civics, 2 marking period electives).

Art 8:

In this course students will learn about art through the use of hands-on experiences and a wide variety of art materials. This includes drawing, painting, and 3-dimensional art methods such as sewing. Students will take inspiration from direct observation, memory, and their imagination to create beautiful works of art! Students will also be introduced to art from various artists and cultures to expand their appreciation of art in different societies. 

Band 8:

8th grade band is a continuation of 6th and 7th grade band. Students now begin to expand their knowledge of their instrument including new scales and fingerings, new articulations, playing techniques, rhythms and dynamics. Above all, students learn the importance of working together to create an excellent musical performance. Students prepare for several performances a year including winter and spring concerts, festivals and competitions. 

Chorus 8:

In choir, students learn how to sing together as a group and prepare for at least three concerts a year. Students also learn how to read and write music, how music works, learn how music has developed over the years, and explore music from all over the world. 

Computer Science:

In this class, you'll dive into the exciting world of technology and programming. You'll learn the fundamental concepts of coding, computational thinking, and problem-solving through hands-on activities and creative projects. You'll explore various programming languages, develop your own games, interactive stories, and simple applications. You'll also have the chance to work collaboratively, sharing your ideas and learning from your classmates.


This course explores the origins of democracy and democracies around the world. This class will also explore current events and relevant topics as they relate to civics. 

Financial Literacy 8:

Financial Literacy is an introductory course that is designed to equip students with the financial literacy skills needed to effectively manage their personal finances and help them make sound financial decisions. Students will develop an understanding of what influences financial decisions. Students will learn about the financial tools needed to analyze, plan and manage their financial resources at different life stages. Discussion topics include joining the workforce, taxes, savings and checking accounts, types of credit, cost of college, investing, insurance, and budgeting. 


This is a lab-based course about water, which will include properties of water, contaminants of water, water quality, purification and treatment, the human impact on water supplies, and information about the Delaware River Watershed. 

Music Appreciation 8:

This course will explore variations of music in movies, music through the decades, music programming using BandLab, and music in social media and commercials. 

Orchestra 8:

8th Grade Orchestra is a continuation of what began in 6th and 7th grade orchestra. Students continue to expand their knowledge of their instrument including new scales and fingerings, new articulations, bowing techniques, shifting positions, rhythms, and dynamics. Above all, students learn the importance of working together to create an excellent musical performance. Students prepare for several performances a year including winter and spring concerts, festivals and competitions. 

Steam 8:

Students will be integrating science, technology, engineering, art, math, and coding to learn how to solve real life problems and ideas by exploring, creating, and working collaboratively.