The Scheduling Process

Dear Parents and Students,

Many of the paths we choose in life are determined by the direction in which we want to travel. For many of you, this journey has already begun as you select friends, activities, and experiences, but few decisions can have as big an impact upon your future as your education. This Course Offerings Handbook is a valuable compass designed to aid you not only in your course selection here at Pennsville Memorial High School, but in life as well. In order to make thoughtful and considered decisions regarding your academic career, it is important to spend time investigating your options, weighing them carefully, and then selecting those courses which will best prepare you for a wide range of choices. Students should examine their academic and vocational paths and look to maximize their potential during their high school. Parents should encourage their students to enroll in rigorous courses designed to challenge their minds and expand their thinking beyond the narrow confines of the classroom. Finally, parents and students alike should take advantage of the wisdom and guidance that our school counselors can provide. It is a great opportunity that stands before you. Knowledge is the key to your future success and you have been given the chance to shape the direction of your own education. Use this opportunity wisely for it can provide you with the skills you will need to explore new worlds, examine other cultures, appreciate your own, and journey into the 21st Century.

Sincerely, Matthew D. McFarland Principal

The Scheduling Process:

  • The PMHS master schedule is built based on STUDENT requests as well as a variety of curricular needs and requirements.
  • Student request will drive the schedule, however not every request can be met or supported within each student's individual schedule.
  • All Scheduling Requests are made through the PowerSchool Student Portal.
  • The student request screens are open for selection during the last weeks of February Through the first week of March.
  • Students should carefully consider their primary elective choices as well as their alternate choices in order to ensure a schedule built to their specific goals and needs.
  • Once the student request process is complete, the master schedule is built through the spring months and committed by June.
  • Enrollment letters are mailed to each student to inform them of the courses in which they have been enrolled based upon both their requests as well as academic needs.
  • If a student feels that the enrollments are incorrect or wishes to request a change in enrollment - all requests for changes must be submitted to the principal prior to August 1st.
      • Reminder - Enrollment letters will only list the course name in which a student is enrolled. The letter will NOT show the teacher name or period number as that information is subject to change through the summer scheduling process.
  • All schedule & Enrollment changes must take place in the summer prior to the opening of school. Schedule Change requests made during the 1st week of school will be denied unless there are extenuating circumstances or an error in scheduling.