Physical Education/Health Program


NJ Student Learning Standards in PE/Health

STANDARD 2.1 (Wellness) - All students will learn and apply health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

STANDARD 2.2 (Integrated Skills) - All students will use health-enhancing personal, interpersonal, and life skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

STANDARD 2.3 (Drugs & Medicines) - All students will learn and apply information about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle.

STANDARD 2.4 (Human relationships & sexuality) - All students will learn the physical, emotional, and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

STANDARD 2.5 (Motor skill development) - All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

STANDARD 2.6 (Fitness) - All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.



Students MUST successfully complete all four years of Physical Education/Health Program in order to fulfill graduation requirements.


Physical Education - Grade Level: 9 -12 Required Course

Prerequisite: Previous year grade level Credits: 5

· The Physical Education program at P.M.H.S, will seek to develop the student's self control, self confidence, sportsmanship, respect for others, as well as a knowledge of basic motor skills and movements. The student will learn strategies which enhance performance levels and gain a general appreciation for physical fitness.

· The students will participate in many of the following activities: speedball, soccer, team handball, flag football, field hockey, tennis, golf, archery, basketball, volleyball, recreational games, softball, paddleball and dancing. Students will take written tests related to these activities. The physical fitness test will be administered to each student and progress will be monitored through the remaining high school years.

· A “medical excuse” may only be issued by a physician. A student with a “medical excuse” from his/her own private physician must report to the nurse before school begins. If a student wishes to see the nurse for a “medical emergency” he/she must change into the PE uniform first, report to squads, then ask to report to the nurse.

· A student shall be permitted one “excuse” (not medically excused by his/her physician) per marking period without penalty.

· A student who is medically excused “UFN” (Until Further Notice) from PE shall be excluded from extracurricular athletic activities and may not rejoin that activity until medically cleared by his/her physician.

Physical Education Grading System

· All students will be graded on a 10 point daily system. Total points will be added based on a weekly grade which will be entered on the last day of the week.

· 10 points will be deducted per day for not being prepared (complete gym uniform – Shirts, shorts, and sneakers) for class.

· 2 points will be deducted for the following:

1. poor effort during activity

2. not following directions or rules

3. not participating in warm-ups

4. profanity

5. unsportsmanlike behavior

6. leaving class early

7. leaving lock on large locker

Test Grading System – The effect on the 100 MP Points

· A test will be given on each unit covered in gym class.

· All students will be required to take all tests, whether or not they have competed in the activity.

· The MP grade can be affected by a maximum of +/- 3 points.

· Test scores of 70% (passing), will not have a positive or negative effect on the 100 MP grade.

· One (1) point will be added to the grade for each 10% above 70% a student receives on a test. Ex. 90% = + 2 points.

· One (1) point will be deducted from the grade for each 10% below 70% a student receives on a test. Ex. 50% = -2 points (40% is the lowest a student can receive on a test).

Proper Uniform

· Students are required to wear athletic apparel that is PMHS Dress Code Appropriate. The clothing worn during PE cannot be the same clothing worn to school. Examples of appropriate PE uniforms include long/short sleeve T shirts, appropriate length shorts, sweatshirts, sweatpants and socks. The PMHS PE uniform is acceptable and will be sold to those students wishing to purchase a uniform.

Health and Safety Curriculum

The Pennsville High School Health and Safety Curriculum is composed of three (3) quarters of Health and one (l) quarter of Driver Education/CPR. This will depend upon a student's age in tenth or eleventh grade. A student must be 16 years of age or older to take Driver Education.

Health 1 – Grade Level: 9 Required Course

Prerequisite: None

Duration: 150 minutes/week (1 quarter)

Health 1 is designed to offer to a variety of topics current in today’s society in the areas of 1) reproduction and disorders, 2) nutrition, diet, & physical fitness, 3) STD’s and AIDS, and 4) drug and alcohol education. Some activities are problem-solving in small group settings. Also, to keep students abreast of developments in health, there are reviews of current health topics throughout the quarter.

Health 2/Driver Education - Grade Level: 10 Required Course

Prerequisite: None

Duration: 150 minutes/week (1 quarter)

The Driver Education component of this course is offered to all 10th grade students. It will provide students with thirty (30) hours of classroom instruction. Upon successful completion of the course, each student will have passed the written state test.

Health 3 – Grade Level: 11 Required Course

Prerequisite: None

Duration: 150 minutes/week (1 quarter)

Health 3 is designed to offer a mental health unit including information on healthy choices; personality and self-esteem; managing stress; and mental disorders and suicide. Also included will be a review of substance abuse and addiction along with CPR and AED training and First Aid basics.

Health 4 - Grade Level: 12 Required Course

Prerequisite: None

Duration: 150 minutes/week (1 quarter)

Health 4 is designed to focus on family life and parenting. This course will include dating, mate selection, marriage, responsibilities of parenthood, family relationships & crises, remarriage, family economics, work relationships and health-related careers. There will be a review of current health topics related to parenthood.