Smart Behaviour vs Container

PXToolsSmartMenus on behaviour Smart, will considerate the width of control's container, and not the screen width.

We can see this on this two samples:



The difference between the two images is how the two Web Panels are mounted (indeed are two Master Pages).

On the first page, we have a general table, that works like the container of the menu. The Smart behaviour will calculate the disponible space, based on this container, and not the screen size. Another elements expand the general table, wider than screen.

In Genexus this looks like:

On the second page, the table where the menu are put, is a direct son of the form. By this way, even if another elements are wider than screen, the container will be the screen size. We don't have a general table; the form is the parent of all this independent tables:

In Genexus this looks like: