
Sdt with the parameters of control behaviour and each region.

Divided by five regions: top, left, center, right and bottom, each one has a sdt with the properties.

You can define distinct propieties by plataform and device type.


Sample - DataProveider Code:

Ejemplo de Responsive Layout Parameters

PXToolsResponsiveLayoutParameters { // Default for Desktop LayoutPlatformParameters { // Define Device Type: // - Desktop. // - Mobile. DevicePlatform = PXToolsRLDevicePlatform.All // Define standard Bootstrap sizes: // - All: Apply for all sizes. // - ExtraSmall: Less that 768px. // - Small: Between 768px and 992px. // - Medium: Beween 992px and 1200px. // - Large: More than 1200px. Dimension = PXToolsRLDimensions.All // Regions delcaration section. Regions { // Container is the container element that will contains all regions. Container { // Declare if Layout is main or inside another Layout. // For first version only supported main Layouts. IsMain = True // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.Auto // Declare if region will support: // - General: a unique container scroll. // - EachPanel: individuals scrolls on each region. OverflowRule = PXToolsRLOverflowRule.General // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = '' } Top { // Declare if region will start visible or hidden. IsVisible = True // In case IsVisible = false declare if region could change to visible with methods. DynamicVisible = True // Define height of the region. SizeHeight = '70px' // Declare minimum height of Top region if Minimize methos is executed. MinimizeModeHeight = '30px' // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region when minimized. MinimizeModeClass = '' // Declare possible modes of Top region: // - Push: The region will push others regions down. // - Float: Will have different behaviour depends on Container Overflow property: // - Overflow = General: The region will push others regions down. // but when Container scrolls down or up the region will keep visible at top. // - Overflow = EachPanel: The region will be not push others regions and // the region will keep visible at top. // - Smart: Only valid property of Container Overflow property is General. // - Is a Float option. // - Will became Hidden when user scrolls down. // - Will became Visible and Minimized when user start scrolling up. // - Will became Visible and Maximized when user arrives top. Mode = PXToolsRLPanelSmartMode.Push // When the region has Mode Float and becames visible the other regions became blocked. // When user select the other regions this region will hide. BlockOnFloat = PXToolsRLBlockOnFloat.No // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = '' } Left { // Declare if region will start visible or hidden. IsVisible = False // In case IsVisible = false declare if region could change to visible with methods. DynamicVisible = True // Declare Position Behaviour or Left region: // - FullScreen: The region height will use all screen height // - BetweenTopBottom: The region height will be betweeb top and bottom region. PositionBehaviour = PXToolsRLPositionBehaviour.FullScreen // Define width of the region. SizeWidth = '250px' // Declare possible modes of Left region: // - Push: The region will push center region. // - Float: The region will be not push center region and // the region will keep visible at side. Mode = PXToolsRLPanelNormalMode.Push // When the region has Mode Float and becames visible the other regions became blocked. // When user select the other regions this region will hide. BlockOnFloat = PXToolsRLBlockOnFloat.No // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = 'LayoutRegionContainerLeft' } Center { // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = '' } Right { // Declare if region will start visible or hidden. IsVisible = False // In case IsVisible = false declare if region could change to visible with methods. DynamicVisible = True // Declare Position Behaviour or Left region: // - FullScreen: The region height will use all screen height // - BetweenTopBottom: The region height will be betweeb top and bottom region. PositionBehaviour = PXToolsRLPositionBehaviour.BetweenTopBottom // Define width of the region. SizeWidth = '150px' // Declare possible modes of Right region: // - Push: The region will push center region. // - Float: The region will be not push center region and // the region will keep visible at side. Mode = PXToolsRLPanelNormalMode.Push // When the region has Mode Float and becames visible the other regions became blocked. // When user select the other regions this region will hide. BlockOnFloat = PXToolsRLBlockOnFloat.No // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = 'LayoutRegionContainer' } Bottom { // Declare if region will start visible or hidden. IsVisible = True // In case IsVisible = false declare if region could change to visible with methods. DynamicVisible = True // Define width of the region. SizeHeight = '40px' // Declare possible modes of Bottom region: // - Push: The region will push others regions up. // - Float: Will have different behaviour depends on Container Overflow property: // - Overflow = General: The region will push others regions up. // but when Container scrolls down or up the region will keep visible at bottom. // - Overflow = EachPanel: The region will be not push others regions and // the region will keep visible at bottom. Mode = PXToolsRLPanelNormalMode.Push // When the region has Mode Float and becames visible the other regions became blocked. // When user select the other regions this region will hide. BlockOnFloat = PXToolsRLBlockOnFloat.No // Declare if region will allow horizontal scroll. OverflowX = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare if region will allow vertical scroll. OverflowY = PXToolsRLPanelOverflow.No // Declare a ThemeClass to customize region. Class = '' } } }
