2025-2026 Class Registration Resources 

Registration resources for current freshmen, sophomores 

and juniors for the 2025-2026 school year 


for the 2025 – 2026 School Year

The Aeries Student Portal is now open!

The registration window is open from 2/4/25 through 2/18/25 for current freshmen, sophomores and juniors.   

Please remember that students register for classes and then we build our master schedule to provide the classes students want. 

So please use the resources and take your time to choose the classes you want and register anytime between now and Feb. 18th.  

Rushing to choose classes will not help you secure a spot in a class as this is not a first come first served process. 

Registration Workshops for 2025-26 classes will be offered during Intervention 

February 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th and 18th. Sign up during Advisory in Flexisched for Teacher: A. Counselor.

  Information you’ll need to prepare yourself BEFORE registering for classes

       Jan. 28th Email: Important 2025-2026 Class Registration Information for Del Oro 9th -11th Graders and their Parents 

        Feb. 3th Email: Important 2025-2026 Class Registration Information for Del Oro 9th-11th Graders and their Parents - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 

From the Student Portal – Log in to your student account and view or print your transcript and graduation status from the “Grades” tab. This will show the credits still

required in order for you to graduate.

Current Juniors - Course Choice Options for your Senior Year - Grade 12 

Current Sophomores - Course Choice Options for your Junior Year - Grade 11  

Current Freshmen - Course Choice Options for your Sophomore Year - Grade 10  


Graduation Requirements

A-G Eligibility Requirements

CTE Pathways, Dual Enrollment options and AP Classes


College and Career Ready Indicator Chart

CTE Pathway Chart 

A-G Eligibility Requirements 

Dual Enrollment Classes 

Advanced Placement Course Offerings 

Student Aide Request Form - For TA's

Asych/Online PE Application

Mid Term Grad Request Application for Rising Seniors - Due April 12th of your Junior year


  All students must choose 8 Primary classes as well as 3 Alternate classes, for non-core courses, as you are choosing classes for the whole school year.

  Rising Sophomores

Select your English course and History course. 

Select your next Math, Science and a PE course. 

Choose a Fine Art and /or a World Language. 

Fill in the remaining with CTE Pathway courses and/or Electives.  

  Rising Juniors

Select your English course and U.S. History course.

Select your next Math and Science course. 

If needed, choose a Fine art and /or World language. 

Fill in the remaining with CTE Pathway courses, Electives or Sierra College courses. 

  Rising Seniors

Select your English course, American Government course and Life Skills Course. 

Once enrolled in Government Economics will be added to your schedule.  

We encourage students to go beyond the minimum requirements by taking an extra Math, Science, 

World Language or other academic Elective course.  When filling in the remaining Electives, remember 

to consider CTE Pathways and Sierra College courses. 

  Asynchronous Classes

If you sign up for an asynchronous class, you must select either an Unscheduled 1st or an Unscheduled 5th block as well.


You must add an alternate for each non-core course that you select. 

When you choose a class, you will select “Request Alternate” and then find the class that will be the alternate for this class.

Then click “Manage” and choose this class as your Alternate for the non-core by clicking “Save”. 

If you do not select Alternates for non-core courses NOW, you'll be required to make those selections prior to your scheduled one on one meeting 

which would delay that meeting.


First, watch this video: 

How to Register on the Student Portal Video 

Next, follow these steps to register:

1.    Log on to the Student Portal. If you can't sign in, reset your password.

2.    Go to “CLASSES.” 

3.    From that dropdown menu, select “COURSE REQUEST ENTRY.” 

4.    Search for the classes using the “SUBJ AREA” or “Name/Nbr” dropdown menu or get the course  

            codes from your grade level Course Choice Options sheet.  Only courses that are available for the

            student’s grade level and that meet the criteria for the specific subject area will be displayed.

5.    Click on the course you want to request. Select “Request Primary” to add the course. 

6.    For Alternate Courses Select “Request Alternate” and then Manage to attach it to a Primary class.

7.    If you make a mistake, click on the trash icon to delete the course. 

           There is no SUBMIT button. 

           Classes will be automatically saved and can be changed/edited in the Student Portal during the

           registration window of February 4th - midnight on February 18th. 


The Counseling team appreciates you using all of the resources provided here to register for your classes. 

After registration closes, counselors will review student’s course selections. 

The team has created a detailed schedule of blocked times from late February through mid March where they will meet one-on-one with students. 

Counselors will call in each student and during the meeting the student’s course selections, on track graduation,  

A-G and College and Career Readiness Indicator status will be reviewed.

The Del Oro Counseling Team