Career Technical Education

Check out the CTE Pathways available at Del Oro High School

2D Studio Art Pathway

Intro Course: 2D Studio Art 1

Concentrator Course: 2D Studio Art 2

Capstone Course: 2D Studio Art 3

Pathway Description: Students will learn drawing and painting skills that will enable them to develop illustrations used in the Artsmedia industry. These could then be applied to illustration, fashion design/illustration, digital painting, printmaking, and fiber/textile design.

2D Studio Art Promotional Video

Maria Sylvester


(916) 652-7243 ext. 3003

2D Studio Art 1

2D Studio Art 2

2D Studio Art 3

Agriscience Pathway

Agriscience Intro Course: Dual Enrollment Biology & Sustainable Ag

Agriscience Concentrator Course: Dual Enrollment Chemistry and Ag Science

Agriscience Capstone Course: Interdisciplinary Science & Sustainable Ag

Pathway Description: The Sustainable Agriculture pathway courses will prepare students for careers and higher education training related to ecology, environmental science, soil science, agronomy, soil biology, conservation science, forestry, plant pathology, mycology, and much more.  Students will take an in-depth look at the challenges facing the agricultural industry, study the science behind environmental problems, perform experiments using local resources, research potential solutions, and suggest possible practices in agriculture that reach the goal of creating a sustainable balance between nature and food production for a growing population. 

Samantha Penner


(916) 652-7243 ext. 3008

Ag Earth Science  

Ag Biology

Animal Science

Ag Mechanics Pathway

Intro Course: Ag Welding 1

Concentrator Course: DE Ag Welding 2

Capstone Course: Ag Welding 3

Pathway Description: Students will learn the four major welding processes in the welding/fabrication industry. Students will be able to learn and perfect their skills in SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, and Plasma processes. Students will be able to test for up to three American Welding Society Certifications. Small Engines is an additional course offered to students who are considering an automotive pathway. 

Ag Mechanics Promotional Video

Mike Pahl


(916) 652-7243 ext. 1116

Ag Welding 1, Ag Welding 2
Ag Welding 3, Ag Welding 4

Animal Science Pathway

Animal Science Intro Course: Ag Biology

Animal Science Concentrator Course: Dual Enrollment Animal Science

Animal Science Capstone Course: Veterinary Science

Pathway Description: The Animal Science pathway will prepare students for entry into career training programs that include specialty training sites and local community college certification training programs as well as university programs to attain a bachelor’s, masters or doctoral degree in animal & veterinary care.  The sequence will allow students to build a strong foundation in animal biology that include cell biology, breed identification, anatomy & physiology, reproduction & genetic studies, digestion & nutrition, animal safety, handling, restraint & housing, as well as practical skill development in both small and large animal studies. 

Samantha Penner


(916) 652-7243 ext. 3008

Ag Earth Science  

Ag Biology

Animal Science

Automotive Pathway

Concentrator Course: Auto Services

Capstone Course: Advanced Auto Services

Pathway Description: Here are some of the cool things you will do in this pathway and the jobs that you will be prepared for as a pathway completer.

Automotive Pathway Promotional Video

Al Angelo


Auto Services

Business Management Pathway

Intro Course: Business Leadership 1

Concentrator Course: Business Leadership 2

Capstone Course: Business Leadership 3

Pathway Description: Business Leadership is a CTE pathway designed to equip students with skills that can be transferred from outside of the classroom into a real world application. Emphasis is placed on presentation skills, financial analysis, marketing, and management/leadership style and techniques. 

Business Management Promotional Video

Stephanie Fee


(916) 652-7243 ext. 1130

Business Leadership 2 & 3

Commercial Ceramics Pathway

Intro Course: Commercial Ceramics 1

Concentrator Course: Commercial Ceramics 2

Capstone Course: Commercial Ceramics 3

Pathway Description: Visual problem solving is a process that engages students on many levels. In Ceramics the aim is to enhance critical thinking skills, learn technical skills, and encourage individual expression. Students will be challenged to explore and create using a variety of materials and to produce sculptural artwork that is both technically sound and aesthetically valid. In addition, students will explore a variety of career possibilities through projects using techniques learned in Ceramics I. Examples of material to be used include clay, glazes and a wide variety of tools. Students will also learn about ceramic art career professionals through videos, collaborative discussions, and written assignments. Four student choice career exploration projects will build on the basics learned in Ceramics I. 

Commercial Ceramics Promotional Video

Tom Warwick


(916) 652-7243 ext. 1304

Ceramics 1

Commercial Ceramics 

Advanced Com Ceramics


Career focus will include, but will not be limited to:

-Automotive (Car body design)

- Film Industry (Claymation, Character design)

- Production Pottery (Extensive potter’s wheel experience)

- Architecture (Design details on buildings)

- Ceramics as Fine Art

Culinary Pathway

Intro Course: Culinary 1

Concentrator Course: Culinary 2

Capstone Course: Culinary 3

Culinary Teacher Assistant

Pathway Description: The Culinary Arts Department is designed to equip students with skills related to successful everyday living, as well as design, organize, implement, work, and operate a food service establishment.   Emphasis is placed on developing strong employability skills in all courses. 

Culinary Promotional Video

Education Pathway

Concentrator Course: Child Development

Capstone Course: Teachers in Training

Pathway Description: This pathway begins with the concentrator course focusing on prenatal, infant, child and adolescent development. In the capstone course students will further develop their professional portfolios and build skills and knowledge in the area of pedagogy (teaching) by tutoring during class on Del Oro campus or shadowing and tutoring off campus at local feeder schools. 

Bridget Farren


(916) 652-7243 ext. 3007

Child Development & Education

Teachers in Training

Sports Medicine 1 & 2

Engineering Pathway

Intro Course: Tech Essentials

Concentrator Course: Principles of Mechatronics

Capstone Course: Computer Programming

Pathway Description: This pathway is highly recommended for any students planning to pursue engineering in college or students planning on pursuing a career as a technician. In the Mechatronics (Robotics/Industrial Automation) class, you will learn how to control a variety of electronic components from a microcontroller through more than 50 hands-on projects.  In programming you will learn how to write computer code in Python. Mechatronics is Dual Credit with Mech 8 at Sierra College. Programming is Dual Credit with CSC10 at CSU Sacramento.

Engineering Promotional Video

Film/Video Production Pathway

Intro Course: Intro to Video Production

Concentrator Course: Dual Enrollment Video Production

Capstone Course: Advanced Video Production

Pathway Description: 

Graphic Design Pathway

Concentrator Course: Dual Enrollment Graphic Design

Capstone Course: Advanced Graphic Design

Pathway Description: Students will learn to use industry standard design software (Adobe Creative Suite) to engage in real world experience through a series of projects. These range from design based applications to digital art projects. 

Graphic Design Promotional Video

Dance Choreography Pathway

Intro Course: Dance Choreography 1

Concentrator Course: Dance Choreography 2

Capstone Course: Dance Choreography 3

Pathway Description:  In the CTE Dance Pathway, we explore technique, choreography, and history of dance styles such as jazz, hip hop, contemporary, ballet, African dance, and more. Students in this pathway have the opportunity to perform, peer teach, choreograph, and set dances for community performances.

Dance Choreography Promo Video

Kristine Freed


(916) 652-7243 ext. 1114

Dance Choreo 1

Dance Choreo 2/3

Dance Team

Woodworking Pathway

Intro Course: Woodworking 1

Concentrator Course: Woodworking 2

Capstone Course: Woodworking 3

Pathway Description: This pathway is designed to equip students with the necessary skills and safety to be successful in the woodworking/construction industry. When students complete this course they will be certified to use most power tools/hand tools that the industry demands. 

Woodworking Promo Video