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About Mr. Domeny

I obtained an Associates Degree in Hospitality Management for Culinary Arts at Columbia College near Sonora, California and my undergraduate degree in Recreation Therapy from California State University, Chico. I received my teaching credential in Health and with a supplemental in English from National University. I have been teaching at Del Oro High School since 1998 teaching Culinary for all that time as well as teaching Health and English for part of that time.  I am also a white water river guide, guiding rivers around the world since 1978, and am currently guiding for Sierra Mac River Trips on the Tuolumne River.

I have a passion for showing students the wonderful world of culinary arts. It is my goal to instill that passion for cooking in all my students, whether they continue on in advancing their skills toward a career in food service or using the skills they learn in my classes to continue cooking good food at home throughout their life. Food surrounds a large piece of our culture and cultures around the world. Since food is such a large part of our lives, it's important to me to teach students the arts of cooking because in my view there is no reason to eat poorly cooked food. It's also my goal to teach students the intrinsic benefits of preparing your own meals as it is more cost effective and healthier to prepare your own food. Students learn that it doesn't cost very much to eat healthy food, and they learn to stay out of the fast food restaurants and frozen food aisles, saving money at the same time. I feel lucky to have the opportunity to teach culinary arts to the greatest students in the world in the greatest high school in the world.