Get Involved
Del Oro High School is proud to offer students an array of extra-curricular and co-curricular clubs and activities. Some Clubs have created independently operated web sites for their student members. Others require in-person contact with faculty advisors. Thank you to all our wonderful advisors for their time and commitment to these great programs.
Want to Start a New Club?
To become a recognized part of the student body organization, a Club must be composed entirely of currently-enrolled students.
Each Club must have a purpose, hold regular meetings (a minimum of 2 meetings per semester or 4 meetings per year), and have a Constitution that outlines policies and procedures.
Funds collected each year should be spent on the students of that year.
Click here to access the ASB Student Handbook for more information about starting a new club. Click here to see what clubs we have had in the past.
Don’t see a club you want, you can start a new one. Click here for directions to start a club this fall. All new clubs must be approved by the end of August. After August, new clubs have a second chance at starting up in January!
PUHSD District ASB Handbook. Click here