
Get Involved

Del Oro High School is proud to offer students an array of extra-curricular and co-curricular clubs and activities. Some Clubs have created independently operated web sites for their student members. Others require in-person contact with faculty advisors. Thank you to all our wonderful advisors for their time and commitment to these great programs.

Want to Start a New Club?

  • To become a recognized part of the student body organization, a Club must be composed entirely of currently-enrolled students.

  • Each Club must have a purpose, hold regular meetings (a minimum of 2 meetings per semester or 4 meetings per year), and have a Constitution that outlines policies and procedures.

  • Funds collected each year should be spent on the students of that year.

  • Click here to access the ASB Student Handbook for more information about starting a new club. Click here to see what clubs we have had in the past.

  • Don’t see a club you want, you can start a new one. Click here for directions to start a club this fall. All new clubs must be approved by the end of August. After August, new clubs have a second chance at starting up in January!

  • PUHSD District ASB Handbook. Click here

Del Oro Clubs