Future 9th Grader Information
May 5th -Welcome Class of 2029 Celebration
Date TBD - Freshman Orientation
Class of 2029 Information
Are you an 8th grader starting at Del Oro in the fall of 2025?
There will be weekly emails sent to our feeder schools with registration information.
The emails will also be posted here for your reference.
View them and then follow the steps below to enroll and choose your classes.
Feb. 14th - Course Selection Preferred Deadline!
Students who meet the deadline will receive a Del Oro sticker and a
personalized poem written by Asst. Principal Matt Rickabaugh!
1. 7 REGISTRATION EMAILS sent to our feeder schools:
Registration Information Email Week 1 - Week of Dec. 9th
Registration Information Email Week 2 - Week of Dec. 16th
Registration Information Email Week 3 - Week of Dec. 23rd
Registration Information Email Week 4 - Week of Dec. 30th
Registration Information Email Week 5 - Week of Jan. 6th
Registration Information Email Week 6 - Week of Jan. 13th
Registration Information Email Week 7 - Week of Jan. 27th
2. New Student Enrollment - A parent needs to enroll the student
3. Review resources
The resources listed below will inform students and their parents of graduation requirements,
A-G, course offerings, the 4 x 4 block schedule and more.
Note: After the video loads click on it to pause it and then click to play it to make the documents easy to read.
a. Course Selection Video - Parents and students, please watch this video together before moving on to 3b.
b. Complete this form: Freshman Course Choice Form
5. In August, parents will receive an email with steps to complete data confirmation. After that, students will
be able to see their schedule in the parent portal.
Department Resources