AP: Advanced Placement

Del Oro is proud to offer the challenge and rigor of a broad selection of Advanced Placement courses. Our hope is that the diverse AP classes offered to our sophomores, juniors and seniors will appeal to a wide range of students. 

AP courses are high school classes taught at a college level, which allows students to develop content mastery and critical thinking skills that are expected in college. Taught by our highly-motivated faculty members, Del Oro AP courses are taken by students who value a rigorous educational environment and experience.

Taking AP helps students prepare for college and stand out in the admissions process, no matter the exam score. Completing the AP course and exam shows perseverance to tackle and finish college-level work. Exposure to advanced coursework increases college-going rates, and research shows that students who take AP courses and exams have better college outcomes than their peers who don't take AP. Half of students entering four-year colleges are now starting school with some credit from AP courses, which could result in significant tuition fee savings for students in the future.

For more information about AP courses offered at Del Oro, visit the appropriate departmental website to review the instructor’s course syllabus, or refer to the AP course descriptions below:

2024-25 Del Oro Advanced Placement Course List

Visit the College Board website for detailed information about all Advanced Placement programs, including course and exam descriptions, sample free-response questions and scoring guidelines, study skills, exam tips, and more. The Parent Resource: Understanding AP webpage has information to help parents understand and support their students' experience in AP.

Del Oro AP Links & Resources