World Languages Department

To have another language is to possess a second soul.

- Charlemagne 

Elizabeth Adams

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1908

Spanish 2, Spanish 3

Erica Campbell

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1110

ASL 1, ASL 2, ASL 3, ASL 4 DE

Mariana Mathews

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1907

Spanish 1

Alexis Miranda

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1909

Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Study Hall

Kerilynne Rugg

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1107

ASL 1, ASL 2

Angelica Toca

(916) 652-7243 ext. 1109

ASL 1, ASL 2

Spanish 2 Placement Test

The recommended placement for all incoming Freshmen is ASL 1 or Spanish 1. However, if your child is currently enrolled in a Spanish 1 class and would instead like to begin in Spanish 2, have your child take this test to see if they should consider Spanish 2 or not.  You may then score this test on your own to see how they did. Please note that this test is not for receiving a grade or transcript credit for passing Spanish 1; it's just to help families make an informed decision about starting their student in Spanish 1 or Spanish 2.

Take the placement test here

View the answer key here

If after taking this test you wish to proceed and have your student placed in the Spanish 2 course, please complete this waiver with parent and student signatures, attach your test, and return to:

Get Ready for the Next Level

Use these resources to put yourself in a good position to have a strong start in your next World Language class, whether you're studying Spanish or American Sign Language (ASL):