Reading Support

This programme finally got underway in 2022 on Monday the 23rd of May and continued until the 17th of November, for a total of 22 weeks.


At any one time there have been 32 students on the programme, almost all from Year 6. During the year, 1 student left our school and 11 students reached a reading age of 10 years and were graduated off the programme. Most graduates were identified during end of year Running Record testing.


There were 24 tutors at the beginning. This was not a full complement despite the fact that 3 of them came twice in the week. One tutor left after a few weeks due to a family tragedy and another was unable to come for most of the year. Four additional tutors started during the year. One was a returnee and 2 were recently retired husbands of established tutors. Two tutors were unable to return in term 4 due to health issues.


Poor school attendance has continued to be an issue. This predates Covid19 but has been more pronounced during these Covid years. The only silver lining is that this has reduced the stress of not having enough tutors available on some days.


This graph shows the shift in students' reading age measured in months for the year from the end of 2020 until the end of 2021.

This graph shows the shift in students' reading age measured in months for the year from the end of 2021 until the end of 2022.

Out of a total of 41 students, only 5 have made less than 12 months progress in 12 months. Thirteen students made more than 12 months progress and the remaining 23 made the expected gain.

The Future

Quite a number of the tutors are over 80 years old and some have helped with Reading Support for more than 20 years. Many tutors express that this is the most worthwhile thing they do in their week. Some of the present tutors have brought friends, neighbours and family members along to join the team. Reading Support clearly benefits both our students and the adults who volunteer in this programme.

- Jenni Clarke


2021 Data:

2022 Data: